FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

FAO Dialogue with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Latin America and the Caribbean

Hybrid Event, 05/10/2023

Live Broadcast


FAO recognizes that CSOs play a key role in the fight against hunger, given their technical expertise, their proximity to and representation of malnourished and disadvantaged people, and their growing presence in rural areas. FAO draws on their knowledge and skills on a range of food security issues.

FAO works to improve the quality, quantity and impact of its relationships with CSOs at global, regional and country levels, and provides regional and decentralised offices with the guidance and advice they need for successful collaboration with CSOs. CSOs are a relevant sector in the spaces of dialogue with both member states and other non-governmental actors. This is why the regional office has arranged a space for dialogue with this relevant actor in the region in view of the next session of the Regional Conference.

The objective of this event is to provide a space for CSO representatives from the region to dialogue with the regional office on the progress of the FAO agenda for the biennium that is coming to an end and the projections for the new biennium.

On this occasion, the leaders of the regional priorities, together with the leader of the regional programme and the participation of the Assistant Director-General and FAO Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, will present the agenda of the regional office and respond to the concerns that arise from the dialogue.

This dialogue will be held virtually through the zoom platform with interpretation into English and Spanish, with live transmission.

Moderator: Dulclair Sternadt, Regional Non-Governmental Partnerships Officer.

Modality: Yriart Room for FAO staff and Webinar - via Zoom registration link https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtfuCpqjwvGtyYrO-84Y74kRrElMOEwJXf#/registration




FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3241, Vitacura, Stgo. - Chile