Устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам



12 Dec

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance in the Water Environment of Kathmandu, Nepal
by Raj Joshi, Tribhuvan University (Nepal)
Moderated by Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO

15:00–16:00 CET

26 Nov

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Advancing antimicrobial stewardship practice in the livestock industries using experience-based co-design
by Dr Kylie Hewson, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Moderated Daniela Battaglia, FAO

9:30–10:30 CET


One Health WAAW 2024 Celebration
The CMHDCA Buildings' complex and roadways
FAO will collaborate with WHO and The Coordinating Ministry for Development and Cultural Affairs (CMHDCA) Indonesia to host the One Health WAAW Celebration, a campaign on AMR control during Car Free Day in Jakarta, and advocacy regarding AMR will be given to high-level decision makers, stakeholders and public.

19-21 Nov

World AMR Awareness Week in Cambodia
University of Battambang, Cambodia and Institute of Technology, Kampong Speu
Jointly organized by FAO under GHSP, FF3 and ACT project in collaboration with Cambodia One Health University Network (CAMBOHUN), Kampong Speu Institute of Technology, and the University of Battambang

19-20 Nov

FAO ECTAD India - AMR awareness workshop for youth
Ramjas International School and Bal Bharti Public School
FAO India will organize an awareness campaign on the growing concerns of AMR amongst the school students (mainly Class 9 and 10) on 19-20 Nov 2024. The workshop will be organized to sensitize students and faculties on the effect of the AMR and how to promote its judicious use among public and stakeholders.


Animal Health Sector WAAW 2024 Celebration
Venue TBC
FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia (MoA) will hold a meeting with private sectors to advocate their role in AMR control and their contribution in the preparation and implementation of The National Medium-Term Development Planning and National Action Plan for AMR 2025-2029. In addition, FAO will conduct a campaign for the adoption of RENOFARM Farmer Field School to private sectors.

18-22 Nov

ACT project Monitoring visit to Nepal
Kathmandu and Chitwan, Nepal
The monitoring visit aims to engage with government officials to review progress and discuss future plans, conduct awareness campaigns on foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and Codex guidelines at universities and colleges, and visit AMR surveillance sites to interact with farmers. Additionally, the visit includes inspections of AMR testing facilities, meetings with collaborating partners, and participation in the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) celebrations in Nepal alongside other One Health partners.

18-22 Nov

RENOFARM Training of Trainers workshop
Nanjing, China
In partnership with Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) and the FAO, the inaugural RENOFARM Capacity Building Workshop will be held in Nanjing, China. This in-person, international training workshop will bring together RENOFARM focal points as prospective training focal points for animal health service providers from across the region to deliver essential training on the core components of responsible antimicrobial use and alternative practices. This workshop will lay the groundwork for continued training programs to be implemented in the future.


Second Annual Plenary Assembly of the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
[Provisional programme]


FAO ECTAD LAOS - Healthy walks under the theme of Educate. Advocate. Act now

15-17 Nov

RENOFARM youth poster challenge at 2nd Animal Disease and One Health Forum
Nanjing, China
Organized by FAO-Huazhong Agricultural University, FAO has teamed up with Huazhong Agricultural University for the RENOFARM Youth Poster Challenge during the 2nd Animal Disease and One Health Forum with the aim to advocate for the One Health approach and the RENOFARM initiative among youth worldwide. 
[More info]

15-16 Nov

4th Global High-Level Ministerial Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
[Event page] [Livestream]

14 Nov

Fourth Global High-level Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance | NON-STATE ACTOR DAY
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
[Event page]

12-14 Nov

Progressive Management Pathway for Antimicrobial Resistance (PMP-AMR) in Viet Nam
Hanoi, Viet Nam

7 Nov

4th Edition of the Annual Global Media Forum in lead up to World AMR Awareness Week
11:00-13:00 (CET)

22 Oct

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Resistance to critically important antibiotics in livestock feed
by Liz Parker, FAO
Moderated Daniela Battaglia, FAO

9:30–10:30 CET

10 Oct

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Unveiling the frontline: How laboratories detect and combat Antimicrobial Resistance
by Francesca Latronico, FAO
Moderated Daniela Battaglia, FAO

15:00–16:00 CET

26 Sep

UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
The UN High-level meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) will take place on 26 September 2024, at the UN Headquarters in New York, during the general debate of the Assembly at its 79th session, from 10 am to 6 pm.
It will enable Governments and other relevant stakeholders, including civil society, research and academia, private sector, intergovernmental organizations, youth and indigenous peoples, UN agencies, philanthropic organizations, etc. to reinvigorate progress on addressing antimicrobial resistance comprehensively and multisectorally.

[More info]

23 Sep

Innovations to Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials: How Can Farm-Level Innovation Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials to Achieve Sustainable Agriculture Transformation
Side Event on the sidelines of the FAO Global Conference on Animal Health Innovations, Reference Centres, and Vaccines
12:45-13:45 (CEST)
Iran room, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

19-20 Sep

Second Annual Congress
Network of FAO Reference Centres for Antimicrobial Resistance
King Faisal Room, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy

12 Sept

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Antimicrobial resistance and One Health approach: from the addressing the livestock sector in South Africa to integrated AMR surveillance in the Caribbean
by Eric Etter, CIRAD (Guadeloupe)
Moderated Daniela Battaglia, FAO

15:00–16:00 CET

2 Sept

Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance across sectors: The value of the AMR Multi-Partner Trust Fund
4th Meeting of the G20 Health Working Group side event
13:30–15:00 (BRT)
Hybrid | Natal, Brazil

27 Aug

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: The Canadian experience implementing integrated AMR/AMU surveillance in food and agriculture: a focus on dairy cattle
by Daniella Rizzo, CIPARS (Canada)
Moderated Daniela Battaglia, FAO

9:30–10:30 CET

8 Aug

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Regulatory solutions to tackle AMR: FAO legal tools
by Bill Garthwaite and Teemu Viinikainen, FAO
Moderated by Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO

15:00–16:00 CEST

18 July

Opportunities to foster the implementation of the One Health Priority Research Agenda on AMR
This webinar organized in collaboration with the Global AMR R&D Hub, will focus on the Opportunities to foster the implementation of the One Health Priority Research Agenda on AMR, and will include a panel discussion on the opportunities to join forces, explore best ways for the implementation of the AMR-OHPRA and propose ways to follow up progress. 
Virtual | 12:30 – 14:00 CEST

15 July

Launch of a Quadripartite toolkit: Enhancing the role of media for effective Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) communication
11:00 AM  (CEST)

11 July

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Antimicrobial resistance awareness and AMU in the livestock sector in Europe and Central Asia
by Dora Kovacs, FAO
Moderated Daniela Battaglia, FAO

15:00–16:00 CET

25 June

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing in Veterinary Medicine: Performance, Interpretation of Results, Best Practices and Pitfalls
by Prof Stefan Schwarz, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Moderated Daniela Battaglia, FAO

9:30–10:30 CET

14 June

Introduction to the Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation (RENOFARM) Initiative
13:00 – 14:00 (CEST)
The aim of this webinar is to present and introduce the RENOFARM initiative to the RENOFARM Community of Practice on Good Agriculture Practices and Prudent AMU to Reduce the Risk of AMR in the Agrifood Sector members and other interested stakeholders.

13 June

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Risk of antimicrobial resistance spreading via food loss and waste?
by Fanette Fontaine, FAO
Moderated by Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO

15:00–16:00 CET

12 June

Accelerating One Health Action on AMR in Agrifood Systems
12:30 – 14:00 (CEST)
FAO HQ, Sheikh Zayed Centre
[Watch webcast]

28 May

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: Cattle production systems as reservoirs of colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Northern Portugal
Dr Carla Miranda, University Institute of Health Sciences (Portugal)
Moderated by Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO

9:30–10:30 CET

20 May

Community of Practice for AMR Laboratory Innovators – LAUNCH EVENT
Laboratory diagnostics play an essential role for informing the use of antimicrobials towards successful treatments, and for detecting and characterizing AMR within surveillance systems to guide response and control strategies.
The webinar is the launch event for the 
Community of Practice for the Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Innovators that aims to provide a space to enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing among laboratory professionals on AMR diagnostics, research findings and seed innovative solutions.
Virtual | 12-13.00 pm CET
[Event page] [Register]

9 May

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: 
Street dog population and rabies control programme without using routine antibiotics
by Dr Sanjay Singh, Help in Suffering (India)
Moderated by Daniela Battaglia, FAO

15:00–16:00 CET

6-7 May

2nd Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance meeting

2 May

Public release of the key recommendations
AMR Platform AG on UNGA

25-26 Apr

International symposium on pathways to reduce the need for antimicrobials to support sustainable livestock transformation
Chongqing, China

25 Apr

Virtual Dialogue: The crucial role of data in addressing antimicrobial resistance for better cancer care
New York, US | 14:00 – 15:00 CEST
[More info here]

24 Apr

One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR, Policy and Economics Pillar – 6th technical webinar
The Quadripartite organizations (FAO/UNEP/WHO/WOAH) have developed the One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR (AMR-OHPRA) as a joint initiative to assist in directing and catalyzing scientific interest and financial investment for AMR priority research across sectors for countries and funding bodies. This series webinar aims to provide additional information on the identified research areas for overall priorities, and for each of the five pillars (transmission, integrated surveillance, interventions, behavioral insights and change, and policy and economics).
Virtual | 12-13.30 pm CET

23 Apr

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: 
Antimicrobial consumption and the emergence of AMR in food producing animals: a case study of Pakistan
by Dr. Mashkoor Mohsin, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) 
Moderated by Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO

9:30–10:30 CET

23 Apr

Action on AMR Innovation and Financing
UN Foundation, GoF, NY

22 Apr

Launch: Global campaign “From People to Leaders: Act on AMR now”
The global campaign From People to Leaders: Act on AMR NOW! aims at building a movement of civil societies and communities to exert more pressure and expectation on governments to deliver ambitious commitments at the UNGA 2024, and beyond. By signing the Call for Global Action, individuals as well as communities and civil society representatives can join the campaign and become ambassadors of the movement. ReAct
Virtual | 14:00 – 15:15 CET
[More info here]

22 Apr

Consultation with Member States and Observers on Priorities for the Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on AMR
United Nations, New York

11 Apr

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR:  FAO tools to develop countries’ management capacity to contain AMR in the food production and agriculture sectors
by Jieun Kim, María de los Angeles Gatica and Alejandro Dorado Garcia, FAO
Moderated by Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO
15:00–16:00 CET

26 March

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR: 
Role of Animal Nutrition to support animal health and welfare and mitigate Antimicrobial Resistance
by Filip Van Immerseel, Hauke Smidt and Karine Tanan
Moderated by Daniela Battaglia, FAO

9:30–10:30 CET

6 Mar

One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR, Behavioral Insights and Change Pillar – 5th technical webinar
The Quadripartite organizations (FAO/UNEP/WHO/WOAH) have developed the One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR (AMR-OHPRA) as a joint initiative to assist in directing and catalyzing scientific interest and financial investment for AMR priority research across sectors for countries and funding bodies. This series webinar aims to provide additional information on the identified research areas for overall priorities, and for each of the five pillars (transmission, integrated surveillance, interventions, behavioral insights and change, and policy and economics).
Virtual | 12-13.30 pm CET

29 Feb

WEBINAR:  Building the investment case for action against antimicrobial resistance
Virtual | 13:00 (CET)
[Register here] [More info here]

27 Feb

Kick-off meeting of the Action Group on Advocacy for Impact – Strengthening Sustainable Resource Mobilisation in LMICs
| Virtual |

Inception of the Action Group on Standardised AMR Information, Education, Communication and Training Programme based on the One Health approach
| Virtual |

13 Feb

LAUNCH WEBINAR: Monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens from aquaculture
Virtual | 14:00 (UTC +7)
[More info here]

12 Feb

LAUNCH WEBINAR: Guidelines on monitoring antimicrobial use at the farm level
Virtual | 14.00 (UTC +7)
[More info here]

8 Feb

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR:  Unveiling the Hidden Threat: How Corruption Undermines Antimicrobial Stewardship and Fuels Antimicrobial Resistance
by Francesca Maria Grosso - Public Health Medical Professional (Italy)
Moderated by Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO
12:30–13:30 CET

7 Feb

One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR, Intervention Pillar – 4th technical webinar
The Quadripartite organizations (FAO/UNEP/WHO/WOAH) have developed the One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR (AMR-OHPRA) as a joint initiative to assist in directing and catalyzing scientific interest and financial investment for AMR priority research across sectors for countries and funding bodies. This series webinar aims to provide additional information on the identified research areas for overall priorities, and for each of the five pillars (transmission, integrated surveillance, interventions, behavioral insights and change, and policy and economics).
Virtual | 12-13.30 pm CET

1 Feb

Webinar: Rethinking AMR Resource Mobilisation Strategies for Sustainable Impact in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)

26 Jan

AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform: Kick-off meeting of the Action group on Mapping and Structuring Civil Society Organizations and Networks in Africa to Strengthen Community-Level AMR Initiatives

24 Jan

AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform: Kick-off meeting of the Action group on Veterinary Education

24 Jan

One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR, Integrated Surveillance Pillar – 3rd technical webinar
The Quadripartite organizations (FAO/UNEP/WHO/WOAH) have developed the One Health Priority Research Agenda for AMR (AMR-OHPRA) as a joint initiative to assist in directing and catalyzing scientific interest and financial investment for AMR priority research across sectors for countries and funding bodies. This series webinar aims to provide additional information on the identified research areas for overall priorities, and for each of the five pillars (transmission, integrated surveillance, interventions, behavioral insights and change, and policy and economics).
Virtual | 12-13.30 pm CET

11 Jan

FAO Knowledge dissemination dialogues on AMR:  Emergence and spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in wild animals, livestock, and humans
by Jesper Larsen - National Reference Laboratory for Antimicrobial Resistance (Denmark)
Moderated by Daniela Battaglia, FAO
12:30–13:30 CET

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