Archivo de vídeos
Don’t let AMR take control!
First video collaboratively produced by FAO, OIE, WHO and UNEP in Asia-Pacific for the 2019 World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW). The WAAW aims to raise awareness on the risks of AMR, including the drivers of AMR spread between animal-human-food and [...]
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The film emphasizes the role of different stakeholders in agricultural sector in preventing antimicrobial misuse. The problem could be addressed through “OneHealth” approach. Video is in Khmer with English caption.
La resistencia a los antimicrobianos es una amenaza global
Todos tenemos un papel que desempeñar para que los antimicrobianos sigan funcionando. Descubre qué puedes hacer tú para ayudar. ¡Comparte este video para ayudar a difundir el mensaje, no los gérmenes! El uso responsable de los antimicrobianos salva vidas y [...]
3 tips to keep your animals healthy without using antibiotics
To keep antibiotics working, everyone has a role to play.
We are over-using and mis-using antibiotics and other antimicrobials.
Drug-resistant infections are killing one person every minute.
Watch the video for tips from a FAO expert.
AMR in the UK: Vets & Farmers Working Together
In the battle against superbugs, every veterinarian, every farmer, and every physician must be a guardian to prevent the mis-use and over-use of antimicrobials to keep our medicines working. Watch this video to see how vets and dairy farmers in [...]