Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Fishery livelihoods

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant tolivelihoods in fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region, with particulalr emphaisis on small-scale fisheries.

This case study presents an overview of the context, details the RFLP intervention, gives the results, implementation problems, and recommendations and key lessons learned when RFLP supported the construction of beach access roads in Sinnapaduwa fisheries village in the North West province of Sri Lanka.


This illustrated document provides lessons learned (good and bad) in a succinct readable format from a regional fisheries development programme which conducted field activities on information and communications technology (ICT) for small-scale fishers across six south and southeast Asian countries over three years.


The context, strategy, and process followed by the RFLP to facilitate fisheries co-management in Negombo, Chilaw and Puttalam lagoons in Sri Lanka is detailed. Lessons learned, unexpected benefits, results and recommendations are given.