FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Regional Workshop on Mobile Technologies for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development

03/04/2012-04/04/2012 Bangkok, Thailand



Specific goals and objectives of this workshop are to share experiences and good practices about the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT), specifically mobile phone, for agricultural extension and development and rural poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific and to extend the application of successful innovations and good practices more widely. 

There has been a lot of innovations around web-mobile and mobile-web based solutions for information dissemination. The availability of reliable data on the use of telecom in rural areas provides valuable insights into how ICTs and mobile phones-based information services can be designed into effective tools for information dissemination to rural communities.

The workshops brings together a cross section of thought leaders from organizations and countries with innovative initiatives in mobile-based information services and in ICT for rural development. The meeting will provide a unique opportunity to exchange the latest information on development trends thereby providing an opportunity for knowledge sharing and validating models for use in agricultural and rural development.

It will also provide a venue for networking to initiate innovative, new projects that will bridge the rural digital divide and advance sustainable development of ICTs in rural areas and agricultural communities.


Concept note

Media outreach: Mobile phones and IT as catalysts for sustainable rural livelihoods
