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Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF)


Below are the most recent CECAF publications. Publications are categorized into four types:


Technical and extra-ordinary documents


Serial publications

Statutory meetings

Regular Committee Meetings and Scientific Sub-Committee meetings

Working group meetings

Small Pelagic North, Small Pelagic South, Demersal Species North, Demersal Species South and Artisanal Fisheries working groups

Note: Only the most recent documents are displayed. To access the all CECAF documents please access the “Full Documents List” on the right.

Recent documents

Category:Working Group meetings

This summary provides the preliminary results, not yet validated by the Scientific Sub-Committee (SSC) of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), of the twenty-third meeting of the FAO Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish off Northwest Africa, from 25 June–2 July 2024 in Dakar, Senegal. Scientists from the Gambia, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Spain, and the Netherlands attended the meeting, as well as representatives of the European Commission (DG MARE) and the Russian Federation. The overall objective of the Working Group is to assess the state of the small pelagic resources in Northwest Africa and make recommendations on fisheries management and exploitation options aimed at ensuring optimal and sustainable use of small pelagic fish resources for the benefit of coastal countries.


Un atelier national, organisé par le projet COPACE-PESCAO, s’est tenu les 19 et 20 juin 2023 à l’hôtel Novotel pour permettre à la Confédération Africaine des Organisations Professionnelles de la Pêche Artisanale (CAOPA) de présenter et discuter avec les participants les résultats de l’étude sur la cogestion au Sénégal.

L’objet de cette rencontre est de présenter les résultats de l’enquête auprès des acteurs nationaux du secteur de la pêche, de faciliter les discussions sur les conclusions de l’enquête et de tracer la voie à suivre pour mieux comprendre l’état de la cogestion des pêches dans le pays.

Category:Working Group meetings

This summary provides the preliminary results, not yet validated by the Scientific Sub-Committee (SSC) of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), of the twenty-second meeting of the FAO Working Group on the Assessment of Small Pelagic Fish off Northwest Africa, from 19–28 July 2023 in Tenerife, Spain. Scientists from the Republic of the Gambia, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Senegal, and the Kingdom of Spain (for the Canary Islands) attended the meeting. Members from the European Commission (DG MARE) and the Russian Federation also attended the meeting. The overall objective of the Working Group is to assess the state of the small pelagic resources in Northwest Africa and make recommendations on fisheries management and exploitation options aimed at ensuring optimal and sustainable use of small pelagic fish resources for the benefit of coastal countries.

Category:Statutory meetings

This document is the final report of the Ninth Session of the Scientific Sub-Committee (SSC) of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic, which was held in Nouakchott, Mauritania from 5 to 9 December 2022. The first day of the SSC was dedicated to a reporting on the EAF-Nansen Programme, its 2023 workplan in the CECAF region, as well as the discussion on the future of the programme. Major topics discussed during the SSC were: (i) the reports of the assessment Working Groups on small pelagics and demersal species, as presented by the subgroups, and the report of the artisanal fisheries Working Group; (ii) formulation of fishery management advice in the CECAF region; (iii) results of the cost–benefit analysis work related to the strategic reformulation of the CECAF management structure; (iv) and ongoing and coordination of research activities with relevant regional projects and programmes.

Ce document est le rapport final de la la neuvième session du sous-comité scientifique (SCS) du Comité des pêches pour l’Atlantique Centre-Est (COPACE), qui s’est tenue à Nouakchott, Mauritanie, du 5 au 9 décembre 2022. Le premier jour du SCS a été consacré au programme EAF-Nansen, son plan de travail 2023 dans la région du COPACE, ainsi que le futur du programme. Les principaux sujets abordés au cours du SCS ont été: (i) les rapports des groupes de travail d’évaluation sur les petits pélagiques et les espèces démersales, tels que présentés par les sous-groupes, et le rapport du groupe de travail sur la pêche artisanale; (ii) la formulation d’avis de gestion des pêches dans la région du COPACE; (iii) les résultats du travail d’analyse coûts-bénéfices liés à la reformulation stratégique de la structure de gestion du COPACE; (iv) et en cours et coordination des activités de recherche avec les projets et programmes régionaux pertinents.


This document is the final report of the intersessional meeting held to discuss the revised independent study to identify options in support of an improved functioning of The Fishery committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF), held in Dakar, Senegal, from 28 to 29 June 2022. The CECAF secretariat and fourteen delegates representing CECAF Member Nations convened to (i) present the revised independent study report; (ii) deliberate the details and the implications of the various options presented to delegates; and (iii) prepare the intersessional meeting discussion results and recommendations that will be presented to the CECAF Committee.

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