Climate Change

SSH joint work

Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security

The 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) marked a critical step for the implementation of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture process with the adoption of  decision 3/CP.27 on the “Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security” (SJWA)

The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) is a landmark decision that recognized the unique potential of agriculture in tackling climate change. The KJWA was established at COP23 in 2017 as a new process to advance discussions on agriculture under the UNFCCC, addressing six interlinked topics and two additional intersessional elements. 

The four-year Sharm el-Sheikh joint work marks a crucial step in shifting focus to the implementation of the KJWA outcomes, previous activities under the UNFCCC that addressed issues related to agriculture ( 123, 45), as well as future topics. 

The Sharm el-Sheikh joint work (SJWA) recognizes the fundamental priority of safeguarding food security and ending hunger, and the particular vulnerabilities of food production systems to the adverse impacts of climate change. It highlights the role of farmers, including smallholders and pastoralists, as key agents of change recognizing that solutions are context-specific and take into account national circumstances.

As mentioned in paragraph 14 of decision 3/CP.27, the Conference of the Parties agreed on seven objectives to address issues related to agriculture and food security in the context of the SJWA, which can be summarised as follows: 

  1. Promoting a holistic approach taking into consideration regional, national and local circumstances to deliver multiple benefits; 
  2. Enhancing coherence, synergies, coordination, communication and interaction between Parties, constituted bodies and workstreams, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, the Adaptation Fund, the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund in order to facilitate the implementation of action to address issues related to agriculture and food security  
  3. Promoting synergies and strengthening engagement, collaboration and partnerships among national, regional and international organizations and other relevant stakeholders; 
  4. Providing support and technical advice to Parties, constituted bodies and the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism on climate action; 
  5. Enhancing research and development on issues related to agriculture and food security and consolidating and sharing related scientific, technological and other information, knowledge (including local and indigenous knowledge), experience, innovations and best practices; 
  6. Evaluating progress in implementing and cooperating on climate action; and 
  7. Sharing information and knowledge on developing and implementing national policies, plans and strategies related to climate change. 

Pursuant to decision 3/CP.27, the UNFCCC Secretariat has been requested to: 

  • prepare an annual synthesis report on the work undertaken by constituted bodies and financial and other entities under the Convention, as well as by relevant international organizations, on activities related to the four-year Sharm el-Sheikh joint work (para. 15a); 

  • hold in-session workshops  in hybrid format, facilitating both virtual and in-person participation, on agreed topics related to agriculture and food security at the first regular sessions of the subsidiary bodies each year (para. 15b): 

  • establish the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal under the joint work for sharing information on projects, initiatives and policies for increasing opportunities for implementation of climate action to address issues related to agriculture and food security (para. 16), and 

  • Subsidiary Bodies (SBs) to report to the Conference of the Parties at its thirty-first session (COP 31) in 2026 on the progress and outcomes of the joint work (para. 20). 

    Read FAO submission on Sharm el-Sheikh joint work 

The SJWA reaffirmed the importance of taking into account the vulnerability of farmers and other groups exposed to the effects of climate change, in particular smallholders, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women, youth and children, as well as their knowledge, experience and leadership; and in strengthening actions and support, in particular with regard to capacity building, access to finance and technology development and transfer. 

The effective implementation of the objectives agreed as part of the SJWA decision depends on cooperation between all stakeholders including Parties, constituted bodies under the Convention, operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, UN organizations and other relevant institutions, agencies and entities, the research community, the private sector, civil society and farmers' organizations, among others. 

Strengthened collaboration and innovative partnerships will reinforce the links between science, policy and practice, and the potential to catalyse climate action to address issues related to agriculture and food security. 

At 60th Session of Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC (SB60), Parties took an essential step in laying the groundwork for the next two years of work by agreeing on a road map for the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work. The road map sets out the timeline for the different activities to be carried out from 2024 to 2026, including:   

  • Time to coordinate in relation to the joint work during the in-session workshops, agreeing to include this when reporting back on the progress and outcomes of the joint work to the COP31 (para. 2). 

  • The submission of information by relevant international organizations on activities related to the joint work via the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal by 31 December each year (para. 4). 

  • The preparation of the annual synthesis report by the UNFCCC Secretariat, taking into account the information of submissions (para. 4) and the progress under and the outcomes of current climate initiatives (para. 3), for consideration at the first regular sessions of the subsidiary bodies each year, starting in 2025. 


  • Holding two agreed in-session workshops in hybrid format, facilitating both virtual and in-person participation at the 62nd and 64th sessions of the UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Bodies, focusing on:   

Workshop topic 1 (SB62):   
Systemic and holistic approaches to implementation of climate action on agriculture, food systems* and food security, understanding, cooperation and integration into plans.  
*This does not preclude other approaches.  

Workshop topic 2 (SB64): 
Progress, challenges and opportunities related to identifying needs and accessing means of implementation for climate action in agriculture and food security, including sharing of best practices.  

  • The preparation by the UNFCCC Secretariat of a report on each of the in-session workshops for consideration by the Subsidiary Bodies at their sessions following the respective workshop.


  • The submission of views for each workshop by Parties and observers via the submission portal on the subject of that workshop, options for its format and suggested speakers by 1 March 2025 (workshop 1) and by 1 March 2026 (workshop 2). 


  • The development of the Sharm el-Sheikh online portal by the UNFCCC Secretariat, to be presented at the 61st session of the Subsidiary Bodies under the UNFCCC (SB61) for further development and consideration at the next meeting of the SBs in June 2025 (SB62). 

Global and regional support

For over 10 years, FAO has been supporting and facilitating knowledge exchange through dialogues, workshops, webinars, and a wide range of information materials. These materials include analyses of submissions, workshop summaries, briefs, and multimedia material to assist stakeholders in navigating agricultural topics under the UNFCCC.

FAO will continue to support the development and implementation of the four-year Sharm el-Sheikh joint work and online portal, building on previous achievements  from the Koronivia process and knowledge-sharing platforms, such as FAO's Climate Change Knowledge Hub, to provide countries with technical support, expert knowledge and capacity building to adapt to and mitigate climate change. From 31 October to 2 November 2023, FAO hosted the first Informal Expert Dialogue on the Sharm el-Sheikh Joint Work (SJWA) at its headquarters in Rome. The dialogue came at a strategic time, as agriculture experts were laying the groundwork for the next steps of the SJWA.

FAO and its partners have continued their engagement with the regional negotiation groups on agriculture, including support to regional workshops and consultations in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean in 2024. These meetings have provided opportunities for Parties to review scientific and technical evidence, experiences and positions ahead of the meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies (SBs) in Bonn in June 2024 and Baku, Azerbaijan in November 2024. FAO remains committed to strengthening and facilitating exchanges between countries and supporting Parties in their efforts to reach consensus on the way forward.

At COP28, the UAE Presidency, FAO, CGIAR, and the World Bank announced the creation of the Agrifood Sharm El-Sheikh Support Programme, a three-year initiative to facilitate dialogue and knowledge sharing among global and regional policymakers. The programme aims to unite stakeholders in the UNFCCC process to facilitate consensus and accelerate coordinated efforts for the implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security in the lead-up to the 31st Conference of the Parties (COP31) in 2026. The initiative forms a vital bridge between negotiation spaces and the implementation of the Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action




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