Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook

Climate-smart crop production

Production and Resources


Coordinating lead authors: Sandra Corsi (FAO), Wilson Hugo (FAO), Josef Kienzle (FAO), Chikelu Mba (FAO).

Contributing authors: Wilfried Baudoin (FAO), Teodardo Calles (FAO), Marjon Fredrix (FAO), Gualbert Gbehounou (FAO), Joseph Mpagalile (FAO), Suzanne Phillips (FAO), Santiago Santos Valle (FAO), Brent Simpson (FAO), Bruno Telemans (FAO), Debra Turner (FAO).

Reviewers:   Olivier Dubois (FAO), Theodor Friedrich (FAO), Martin Hilmi (FAO), Kaisa Karttunen (Think Tank e2), Amir Kassam (University of Reading), Rattan Lal (Ohio State University), Corina Lefter (FAO), Elisabetta Tagliati (FAO), Makiko Taguchi (FAO), Feras Ziadat (FAO).

Notes:  This module of the Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook was co-funded by FAO and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) through the Project “Building the Basis for implementing the Save and Grow approach – Regional strategies on sustainable and climate resilient intensification of cropping systems” (Save & Grow Project), implemented by FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP). The module is an update of Module 7 Climate-smart crop production systems in the Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook (2013) written by Nadine Azzu (FAO) and Suzanne Redfern (FAO) with contributions from Theodor Friedrich (FAO), Gualbert Gbehounou (FAO), Amir Kassam (FAO), Chikelu Mba (FAO) and Cornelis VanDuijvendijk (FAO).