Confederazione Nazionale Coltivatori Diretti (COLDIRETTI)

Objective(s) of the engagement

This partnership commits to undertake joint studies or projects in specific  areas; i) facilitate in capacity building and training, through internships, fellowships, and lectures, as appropriate; ii) promote knowledge sharing and dissemination of information; and iii) engage in advocacy and awareness-raising through joint events and exhibitions in areas of mutual interest. 

Thematic area of partnership
Production, Nutrition, Environment
Global, Europe and Central Asia, Global or Regional
Engagement Mechanisms
Capacity development, Technical cooperation, Knowledge and research, Advocacy and communication, Innovation
Progress to date

Planned activities include: 

  • The identification and sharing of good practices on inclusive and responsible business models in agriculture 
  • Promotion of the Committe on World Food Security Principles for Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systesm (CFS RAI) across Coldiretti networks 
  • Sharing of best practices in Italy on the effective participation of smallholder and family farmers and their organizations in policy processes and implementation
  • Identification and sharing of methodologies developed by Coldiretti for supporting the development of inclusive business models and value chains in agriculture 
  • In response to the Food Coalition call for proposals aligned to the G20 meeting and Matera Declaration (29 June 2021, Matera, Italy), developed a concept note for a joint proposal for a Farmers’ Markets Network.

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