FAO in support of action plan to the implementation of Farm Accounting Data Network in Albania

Meeting of inter-institutional working group for the establishment and operation of the Farm Accounting Data Network in Albania (FADN) / © FAO

Tirana, Albania – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in close collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development held a meeting with the inter-institutional working group for the establishment and operation of the Farm Accounting Data Network (FADN). The meeting comes in the framework of the project "EU Integration and Policy Support in Agriculture and Rural Development" funded by FAO,  focused on comprehensive policies towards farm economy in Albania, promoting rural businesses model and increasing well-being rural economy.

The core of the technical group involved representatives from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, as well from the Institute og Statistics, Agriculture and Rural Development Agency,  National Agency of the Information Society and the Agriculture University of Tirana. Preliminary discussions was focused designing the action plan for implementation of FADN in Albania, defining the functions of the inter-institutional technical work group, such as: a) will support the finalization of the FADN roadmap, b) cooperate in the preparation of farm selection plan, c) data collection methodology, d) register of farm structure and standard farm output, e) testing and implementation of the questionnaire, technical specifications and software development, etc.

In addition, the inter-institutional technical work group will contribute to determining the size of the sample and the minimum thresholds of the economic size of the farm, that will help in data collection process for FADN piloting. 

Farm Accounting Data Network in Albania plans to collect data in micro level on agricultural farms and with the engagement of the technical group will contribute to the preparation of the FADN regulation towards its implementation.