Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 Data collection In industrialized fisheries catches are often recorded in logbooks and these data may be used to derive catch statistics. However, the accuracy of weights measured at-sea and recorded in logbooks depends on the available weighing technology and/or the experience... More
 Non-reporting of nominal catch is a major concern in some fisheries. Further, many national statistical publications do not use the terms associated with catch and landings with the precise meanings as described in this section. In such publications, nominal catches... More
 Conversion factors depend primarily on the species of aquatic organism and its morphology. In addition there are a number of elements to consider: Extent and method of processing including on board fishing vessels Size of the fish, as... More
 Conversion factors introduce uncertainty in the estimation of the catch and this uncertainty can be considerable when converting highly processed products, e.g. filet weight to live weight equivalent. Caution is advised when studying the conversion factors used by the different... More
 All countries or areas have official and formal designations, many of which are not well suited for use in statistical databases and publications, particularly in tabulations and graphs. These designations are therefore often simplified. The list of countries or areas... More
 Most economic statistics are collected using national currencies while much use of the international statistics requires that these data are on a comparable basis, e.g. in USD. Guidance on conversion from local currencies to a common standard is provided by... More
 Confidentiality of certain data or data types may be required to protect personal and commercial interests. However, a confidentiality claim is justified only if there is a risk to reveal data that can be referred to individuals or legal entities.... More
 An analysis of how well founded a confidentiality claim is, is based on the key characteristics of the data, use of the data and what disclosure risks need to be protected against. Among the key characteristics of the data particular... More
 For certain specific purposes (e.g. Antarctic fisheries, fiscal purposes) it may be deemed more appropriate to use a different 12-month period which may be referred to as a split year. Such situations arise when the sector under consideration exhibits appreciable... More
 In tabulations where space restricts the labeling of a split year to a single year or where data for calendar and split years are tabulated together, the practice is for the split year to be represented by the calendar year... More
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