Digital Villages Initiative in Asia and the Pacific





Mobile connectivity continues to be at the core of digital innovation in Asia Pacific, enabling a wide range of transformative technologies for individuals and enterprises, and helping governments to deliver positive impacts for society.


The goal of this publication is to understand the current status of digitalization of agri-SMEs in Asia and the Pacific, what this process looks like and how to improve it.

Technology Catalog Contributing to Production Potential and Sustainability in the Asia-Monsoon Region, Ver. 2.0

As part of the activities of Green Asia, this catalog offers a compilation of applicable technologies which were developed in Japan or through international collaboration over the past 10 years and are expected to contribute to the establishment of sustainable food systems in the region.


One of the focuses of the G20 forum this year is digital transformation. G20 governments are expected to share their efforts and investments toward rural areas. Digitalization and digital transformation in rural areas have become important in creating inclusive recovery and assisting rural areas in escaping problems that arise in the economic, social, and environmental sectors.


This study investigates the appropriateness of digital and automation solutions for small-scale agricultural producers in low- and middle-income countries.


This publication provides a catalogue of digital innovations along the value chains and discuss alternative business models; with applications from Asia and the Pacific


This report explores the role of rural e-commerce in transforming the agri-food systems in China, through the development of an innovative ecosystem that has led to market integration for agricultural producers and rural populations.

The Digital Blue Revolution

How digital technologies – including cloud computing, the internet of things, artificial intelligence and machine learning – are facilitating the advance of precision aquaculture.


This is second in a series of publications with the overall aim to promote the use of sustainable information and communication technologies for agriculture and rural development. This is a follow up to the first issue published in 2015, “Success Stories on Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture and Rural Development,” which was widely received and warranted this ...

Selected case studies from India

FAO and ICRISAT, 2022 This publication is a limited stocktaking exercise on digital agriculture solution providers in India. The aim is to provide a knowledge product that would benefit future investments in the agriculture sector, specifically in food and nutrition security, rural development, and poverty alleviation in India and other countries...

ArtificiaI intelligence for agriculture

This publication presents the reader with a collection of informative applications highlighting various ways AI is used in agriculture and offering valuable insights on the implementation process, success factors, and lessons learnt. The articles are original submissions written by authors representing companies, universities or private entities...


This publication on big data for agriculture is the fourth in the E-agriculture in Action series of publication. With the growth of technology including the impending introduction of 5G networks, which will support a huge sensor network infrastructure, data driven agriculture and the challenges of extracting meaningful insights from ...


This is the third in the E-agriculture in Action series of publications, which has the overall aim to promote the use of sustainable ICTs for agriculture and rural development. One of the most discussed technologies is blockchain technology...


This publication is the second in the series titled E-agriculture in action publications that highlight the use of ICT for agriculture such as Mobile technologies for agriculture and rural development, Information and communication technologies for agriculture and rural development and Success stories on information and communication technologies for agriculture and rural development...


This abridged e-agriculture strategy guide is intended for use by agriculture sector managers/leaders in government ministries, departments and agencies who will manage the development of an e-agriculture strategy in close consultation with other existing and potential stakeholders...

South Malekula: A smart island of Vanuatu

Smart Islands is an innovative approach to delivering connectivity and an integrated suite of scalable and sustainable services to disadvantaged island communities. It leverages interoperability, multi-functionality and existing ICT infrastructure to provide island communities with affordable and sustainable access to digital services...


On June 4th 2021, HealthforAnimals and the World Veterinary Association co-hosted the webinar, New Innovation in Veterinary Care.


This brochure highlights some of the many and varied types of innovations that are making success steps towards the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific.


This paper discusses the potential of the digitalization of agriculture and documents FAO’s initiatives to support countries in developing and implementing digital strategies and applications.


This document is intended to help guide APEC decision-makers in the private, public, and development sectors as they work to increase digital payments.


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