
January 2017 News and Events

January 2017 News and Events

  • Mobile World Congress

    From 27 February till 2 March 2017 - the 2017 World Mobile Congress will take place in Barcelona, Spain. Mobile World Congress is the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry, organised by the GSMA and held in the Mobile World Capital Barcelona. If you have the occassion to participate in...
  • Mobile marketplace digitises East Africa’s agriculture

    THOUSANDS of smallholder farmers in the region are set to benefit from a digital platform connecting them to agents, buyers and banks in East Africa. Launched by Mastercard , 2KUZE, as the platform is known, is the latest offering in the region hailed as the cradle of African technology innovation. The agricultural technology app was developed at Mastercard's Nairobi Labs for Financial Inclusion with the support of the Gates Foundation. 2KUZE’s primary value proposition is connecting farmers, agents, and buyers on a digital platform toward greater pricing transparency and more effective...
  • Connected Agriculture : The role of mobile in driving efficiency and sustainability in agriculture

    Mobile has the most potential to improve the income of smallholder farmers in developing countries in Africa, India and the Middle East. The up take of mobile technology (and m obile penetration rate ) for agricultural and rural development in the Global South has been on the increase. Connected Agriculture , is a report by Accenture and Vodafone on the role of mobile in driving efficiency and sustainability in the food and agriculture value chain, focuses on 12 opportunities that deliver broad socio-economic and environmental benefits. The report hinges its proposal on the fact that mobile...
  • Options for the use of drones in agriculture

    Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have revolutionised how farming is done over the years. In Africa, in particular, technology has improved the efficiency of data collection and monitoring and evaluation - especially through mobile technology and mobile apps. E-Agriculture has in past held global discussions in conjuction with W orldBank where experts from various fields and organisations around the world shared their experiences and discussed the ways in which they were using mobilephones, tables,application and software - to collect data in the field, and to perfom monitoring...
  • E-Agri East Africa Summit 2017

    With 60% of uncultivated arable land untapped in Africa, agriculture is earmarked as an economic engine for the continent. Growing trade volumes in the East African region provides both opportunities and challenges. A major obstacle facing the region’s agri sector is the use of innovative ways to...
  • UNESCO Mobile learning week: Deadline to submit proposals 17/01/2016

    Mobile Learning Week is UNESCO's flagship ICT in education conference. Held annually at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, the event convenes experts from around the world to share how affordable and powerful mobile technology – from basic handsets to the newest tablet computers – can accelerate learning for all, particularly people living in disadvantaged communities. Each year the event has a specific theme to focus discussions. The conference is composed of numerous tracks, typically including workshops, a symposium, a high-level policy forum and a research seminar. These tracks engage a wide...
  • Training Course on Climate Change and Agriculture

    INTRODUCTION In recent decades, it has been observed that there is a rapid change in climatic conditions which has resulted to several negative effects on human activities and development especially in agriculture and the environment. There is little awareness and understanding of the changing...
  • February 13, 2017 is World Radio Day

    Valentine’s Day is for lovers. The day before is for lovers of radio. All around the world, radio entertains and informs us. It connects and transforms. It has power. Radio may be old, but it is still relevant. In some countries, it is the communication tool that people rely on most. On February 13...