The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Leaflets and Posters

Some of the below resources and more are available also on the Emergency Toolbox and Lesion Library.

Emergency Toolbox

The EuFMD developed the Emergency Toolbox, a digital box to raise awareness on the disease and its impacts, and to provide epidemiologists and veterinarians in the field with all the resources and information for FMD investigation.

Lesion Library

A database of images of foot-and-mouth disease lesions is available on the EuFMD vlearning website.



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Тази листовка е предназначена за земеделски производители в района на Тракия, който понастоящем е свободен от болестта шап. Целта му е да повиши осведомеността относно основните клинични признаци на ящура и да увеличи пасивното наблюдение......
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