Evaluation of FAO’s Country Programme in Jordan
The country programme evaluation for Jordan is to provide independent feedback, help orient the next country programme framework, and contribute to the FAO Jordan Country Office and the Government of Jordan, as well as to United Nations (UN) joint programming.
In response to the set objectives, the following five key evaluation questions were assessed:
- Strategic positioning: Does FAO’s programme respond effectively to Jordan’s developments, policies and humanitarian priorities?
- Programme contribution: What difference has FAO’s programme made to the food security and agricultural sector in Jordan?
- Operational and organizational capacity: What factors contributed to/hindered the intended results of FAO’s programme?
- Partnerships: To what extent has FAO leveraged partnerships with national institutions, the United Nations system, civil society, private sector and other development partners?
- Cross-cutting issues: To what extent has FAO mainstreamed gender and the ‘’leave no one behind’ principle at the country level?