Evaluation at FAO


Evaluation of FAO’s Country Programme in Algeria

The main purpose of the evaluation is to draw lessons from the implementation or non-implementation of interventions guided by the County Programme Framework (CPF) 2019-2022 in Algeria to guide the formulation of the new CPF which begins in 2023. The evaluation will also meet accountability to government and donors for the resources used.

The objectives of this assessment are to examine:

  • The strategic positioning of FAO in Algeria
  • Programmatic contributions to priority areas
  • Identify lessons learned and good practices
  • Identify recommendations that will guide the work for the next CPF

The evaluation questions will be formulated on the basis of the OECD/DAC criteria. The evaluation aims to determine the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the interventions. In addition, the evaluation will consider issues of equity and the principle of “leaving no one behind”.

The evaluation of the Algeria country program will focus on the entire CPF 2019-2022, in particular the following three priorities:

  1. Sustainable increase in agricultural production and productivity
  2. Development of agricultural value chains
  3. Sustainability of natural resources and fragile areas used in the light of climate change

Being a country programme evaluation, the exercise will not focus on individually implemented projects but will analyze the overall contribution of FAO in Algeria within the framework of the CPF. The analysis will include ongoing projects and closed, emergency and development projects, national, regional, inter-regional and global projects, projects financed by different donors and their financial contribution as well as different types of funds. The evaluation will cover the period of the CPP from the year 2019 to the year 2022 throughout the Algerian territory.