Evaluation at FAO


Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in the Philippines

The main purpose of this evaluation is to assess the relevance and coherence of FAO’s country programme in the Philippines, to take stock of the results achieved so far under the current Country Programming Framework (CPF) and enhance FAO’s contributions toward national development priorities.

The evaluation will cover the totality of FAO’s cooperation with the Government of the Philippines over the period of the current CPF (2018-2024).

FAO’s strategic relevance in the country will be assessed in terms of its response to national needs and challenges within the areas of FAO’s mandate and comparative advantage. The strategic positioning of FAO in terms of partnerships, programme coherence, synergies with other development actors, and pursuit of UN norms and standards including gender equality, human rights, and climate change will be evaluated.

The evaluation will assess FAO’s contributions towards national priorities, with a focus on the three country priority areas identified by the 2018-2024 CPF:

  • Improved nutrition for all.
  • Expanded economic opportunities in agriculture, fishery and forestry, ensured ecological integrity, and clean and healthy environment.
  • Reduced vulnerabilities of individuals and families, and just and lasting peace achieved.

The evaluation will also cover FAO’s contributions to its own strategic objectives and to the Sustainable Development Goals.