EIP-AGRI Workshop Tools for environmental farm performance
The European Commission’s DG Agriculture and Rural Development, with the support of the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture, held an EIP-AGRI workshop on 7-8 February 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia. This workshop aimed to discuss the uptake and ways to increase the uptake of the broad range of sustainability tools involving environmental assessments, which have already been developed and tested in projects and initiatives by farmers. The workshop also looked for opportunities to promote innovation in this context. The workshop began from the premise that farmers have an interest in working with tools providing information on the environmental sustainability of the farm or its operations. Environmental sustainability tools (EST) must meet the demands and interests of different stakeholders. The workshop provided a valuable opportunity to bring together a broad range of stakeholders - farmers, developers and other users or potential beneficiaries of sustainability tools - to share and learn from growing practical experience and thereby strengthen the benefits of their use. EIP-AGRI Operational Groups, which are financed through the Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020, could focus on the development or diffusion of novel sustainability tools such as these.