Green Jobs for a Revitalized Food and Agriculture Sector
This report presents an overview of opportunities to create “green jobs” by encouraging and investing in the implementation of a global transformation of the agriculture sector into a sustainable, productive and environmentally balanced ‘green agriculture’ paradigm. In the context of this report, “green agriculture” is broadly defined as “the use of farming practices and technologies that simultaneously: (i) maintain and increase farm productivity and profitability while ensuring the provision of food on a sustainable basis, (ii) reduce negative externalities and gradually lead to positive ones, and (iii) rebuild ecological resources (i.e. soil, water, air and biodiversity “natural capital” assets) by reducing pollution and using resources more efficiently. A diverse, locally adaptable set of agricultural techniques, practices and market branding certifications such as Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Organic/Biodynamic Agriculture, Conservation Agriculture and related techniques and food-supply protocols represent the various forms of “green” agriculture” (UNEP, Green Economy Report: Agriculture Investing in Natural Capital. 2011). Fishery and forestry are also mentioned, but with a lower level of detail. This is due to the nature of interventions needed to support a transition to greener fishery and forestry, which primarily focuses on resource conservation and the rebuilding of stocks.