Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Red de la PCAF

La Red de la Plataforma ayuda a conectar a los actores principales del mismo país o región y fomenta que estudien temas de interés común que puedan servir como base para el establecimiento de asociaciones y colaboración entre sus miembros.

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Al unirse a la Red de la Plataforma, los miembros accederán a la oportunidad de que su organización/asociación/cooperativa obtenga visibilidad internacional a través de la Plataforma de conocimientos sobre la agricultura familiar. Se invita a los miembros interesados en formar parte de la Red de la Plataforma a  proporcionar la información solicitada en este formulario.

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Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir

KUAST-kashmir is an agricultural university having six faculties: Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture, Faculty of Forestry, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, College of Agricultural Engineering, College of Temperate Agriculture.

Agroecology Map

Civil society
Agroecology Map Knowledge and Practices is a Free (Open) Platform for Mapping Initiatives in Agroecology, Permaculture and Agroforestry Systems. Through the exchange of knowledge and practices, the open-sourced technological platform brings people from the countryside or in the city together to strengthen or and create new, collaborative networks that enhance...

Youth Effort For Sustainable Rural Development

Non-governmental organization
Youth led Non-profit organisation that builds the capacity of smallholder farmers, farmer groups and primary cooperatives through promotion of appropriate technologies and dissemination of information on sustainable development. Our thematic areas include; 1. Agriculture 2. Environment 3. Education and health 4. Livelihood and institutional support.


Non-governmental organization
REVOLVE is a communication agency offering strategic communication and creative content solutions for sustainability projects.


Farmers' organization
Provide farming books for farmers
Papua New Guinea

Cooperative company for innovation in Agricultural Word of Agboville

SOCIMAA (registration number: CI-AGB-2022-C-13) is a Cooperative company focuses on Innovation in the Agricultural World of Agboville for the well-being of the farmers and customers. The cooperative has 600 family members (including women and men). At SOCIMAA, we produce and make available various quality agricultural products, respectful of human value, including...
Côte d'Ivoire

Foundation for Organic Agriculture Tanzania

Non-governmental organization
FOATZ provides knowledge and services to small farmers, especially marginalized farmers who have inadequate knowledge of ecological organic farming techniques, market skills of natural/organic products, and sustainable livelihoods. Currently, we have three ongoing projects; Organic Demo Plots at Our Head Office, Organic Farmers Groups, and Organic School Garden.
United Republic of Tanzania

Organización Integracionista del Cacao

Non-governmental organization
Organización dedicada a la asesoría de proyectos del agronegocio, especializado en cacao, enmarcados en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Desarrollamos planes, programas de producción agroalimentario, gracias a nuestros profesionales que cuentan con más de 16 años en el sector del cultivo de cacao. Promovemos la reforestación a través del sistema agroforestal...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Ganaderas

Civil society
Organización gremial ganadera con presencia en todo el país. Compuesta por más de 800 mil ganaderos en todo el país, 2036 Asociaciones Ganaderas Locales, 48 Uniones Ganaderas Regionales, 48 Asociaciones de Ganado de Registro y 6 Uniones Ganaderas Regionales de Porcicultores.

Coopérative Bouganté de Wompou

L'organisation est une coopérative familliale composée de 60 membres dont 10 hommes et 50 femmes. Elle a pour activités principales l'agriculture, l'élevage, la agroforesterie, aquaculture entre autres. Elle dispose de 200 ha dont 50 ha au bord du fleuve Sénégal mais le site d'exploitation n'excède pas plus de 10 hectares...

Vi Agroforestry (Vi-skogen)

Non-governmental organization
Vi Agroforestry is a Swedish development organisation fighting poverty and climate change together. What started as a tree planting initiative in 1983, is today an agroforestry expert organisation working through local partnerships to run holistic agricultural development projects in East Africa and beyond. Vi Agroforestry supports smallholder farmer families with...

Mikwano e.v.uganda

Farmer Field School
Mikwano e.v Uganda is a community based organisation. Promoting rural oriented technology and technics using good agricultural practices.we run an agribusiness incubation center and demonstration center promoting food and animal feed security as to sustain the livestock best assets program


Civil society
OVOP Venezuela es un movimiento promovido e impulsado por la Fundacion Centro de Innovación Tecnológica y Cooperación Internacional (FundaCEDITEC), que conecta a las organizaciones y personas talentosas y comprometidas a nivel nacional e internacional para apoyar el desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades locales, a través de la promoción del enfoque...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Centro de Innovación Tecnológica y Cooperación Internacional

Non-governmental organization
Somos una ONG que ejecuta planes, programas y proyectos para el Desarrollo de Capacidades en Agricultura Familiar, Urbana y Periurbana apalancados en la Ciencia, Tecnología e Inovacion y la Cooperación Internacional en el marco de los ODS 2030 de las Naciones Unidas.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

The Youth Consortium

The Youth Consortium is a coalition of Individuals and Organizations with the futuristic mindset of collaborating, engaging and executing ideas into sustainable projects, towards achieving the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development & Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

Sustainable Harvest International

International Organization
Since 1997, Sustainable Harvest International has provided agroecology training to over 3,000 smallholder family farms. Through diversification of crops and ecological farming practices, families improve their diets, income and health, while reversing the degradation of soils, protecting water sources, increasing biodiversity and stabilizing the climate. A local trainer...
United States of America

EarthRestoration PL

Extending wholistic and integrated farming practices focused on long term tree-care incentives
Sri Lanka

French National Institute for Agricultural Research

Research center
Europe’s top agricultural research institute and the world’s number two centre for the agricultural sciences. Its scientists are working towards solutions for society’s major challenges.

Bio Bon Beau

Farmers' organization
L'initiative 3B est la première qui regroupe tous les acteurs de la production biologique au Niger , autres d'un cahier de charge qui est aussi le premier aussi Niger . Nous faisons de la production de fruits légumes et biologiques , la production d'intrants biologique ( compost, huile de...

Offinso Partners in Sustainable Development

Non-governmental organization
We exists to promote community understanding and participation in Sustainable social development in Ghana Our mission is to bring communities together in designing and implementing effective strategies to ensure judicious natural resources use to promote gender equality to reduce social disparity and to secure a fair development of all parties Activities Training Agriculture Energy Forestry Social enterprises...
Total results:92
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