Family Farming Knowledge Platform


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Blog article
Un nouveau dispositif de surveillance pour défendre les droits des paysans

Au printemps 2024, le Conseil des droits de l'homme de l'Onu créera un nouveau groupe d'experts chargé de promouvoir et de surveiller les droits des paysannes et des paysans dans le but de faciliter la sensibilisation mondiale des autorités et de la société civile aux défis de la production alimentaire...

Newsletter article
India: Freshwater Blues

The scarcity of freshwater fish resources in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal highlights alarming trends in inland capture fisheries
On a rainy day in August, when the availability of fisheries resources is high in the Teesta river here, Bimal Das returned from a four-hour fishing trip with only three kg of fish. While sorting the fish from the ice slabs, a dejected Das contemplated quitting fishing to looking for...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Working paper
Investment and Cultivation Strategies for Women and Youth Inclusion: Cases from On-farm, Off-farm and Non-farm Activities in Ethiopia and Mali

This study explores how livelihood assets, strategies for accessing the assets, and enabling and discouraging factors in the value chain shapes the inclusion of women and youth in on-farm, off-farm and non-farm activities. It is based on the Safeguarding Sahelian Wetlands for Food Security (SaWeL) program that aims to make...
Ethiopia - Mali
2024 - International Water Management Institute

Blog article
Le sol est à la base du bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes : leçons de Côte d’Ivoire

Le sol n’est pas qu’un simple support : il doit être en bonne santé pour que les activités agricoles puissent s’installer et perdurer. En Côte d’Ivoire, le ministère de l’agriculture a rassemblé agriculteurs, décideurs politiques et scientifiques autour d’actions pratiques pour assurer la durabilité des sols des paysages forestiers en...
Côte d'Ivoire
2024 - CIRAD

Fact sheet
The potential of agroecology and organic

Agroecology and organic agriculture have the potential to facilitate the transition towards inclusive, healthy and sustainable food systems. An increasing number of high-level experts find the evidence for agroecology and organic agriculture compelling, and farmers worldwide have shown it is possible: 30 percent of farms have transitioned to agroecology, and...
2024 - Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL)

Blog article
New African Society: Cultivating Seeds of Change in Sierra Leone’s Eastern Province

New African Society (NAS), a youth-led Sierra Leone-based organization, is working for the development of self-sufficient communities to alleviate generations of poverty within the country. The organization offers services that promote the advancement of agricultural projects within the region, seeking to remedy a lack of opportunity for socioeconomic mobility and...
Sierra Leone
2024 - Food Tank

Atelier International sur la Préservation et la Restauration des Sols Forestiers en Afrique de l'Ouest

Du 16 au 17 mai 2023, s’est tenu à l’Ivotel Hôtel Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), le séminaire international sur la préservation et la restauration des sols forestiers en Afrique de l’Ouest. L’organisation de ce séminaire est une initiative du Ministère d’État, Ministère de l’Agriculture et de Développement Rural (MEMINADER) de Côte...
Côte d'Ivoire
2024 - CIRAD

Journal article
The Evolution of the Romanian Organic Agriculture in a Global Context

Organic agriculture is widely considered an agricultural method that aims to produce food products by turning to natural processes and substances, limiting, in the same time, the impact on the environment. In the last period, there has been an evident growing trend in consumers’ preference for organic food products, that...
2024 - Rural Development Research Platform

Gouvernance des mécanismes fonctionnels d’une innovation agroécologique : cas de la production de biopesticides au Cameroun

La production de biopesticides pour l’agriculture est une innovation agroécologique qui répond à la nécessité de réduire, d’une part, les externalités négatives de l’utilisation des pesticides chimiques sur la santé et l’environnement, et d’autre part, la dépendance aux aléas du commerce international, surtout dans les pays en développement. Dans ce...
2024 - CIRAD

Fourth Global Conference of the World Banana Forum

The Secretariat of the World Banana Forum (WBF), a multi-stakeholder network coordinated by the Markets and Trade Division (EST) of FAO, is delighted to extend an invitation to Members to the Fourth Global Conference of the World Banana Forum, to be held at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy on Tuesday, 12...
2024 - FAO

Blog article
Learning to cope with the spread of non-native species in the Mediterranean

More than 900 non-indigenous species have already been identified in the Mediterranean Sea. And the number is only expected to increase. Climate change is helping non-native species move further north in the Mediterranean as water temperatures rise. As they spread, so does concern about their effect on marine ecosystems and the local fishing...
Italy - Tunisia
2024 - FAO

Pour une gestion durable des sols en Afrique subsaharienne

La faible productivité de l’agriculture en Afrique subsaharienne est due en grande partie à la dégradation de la fertilité des sols. Les agricultures familiales, pilier de la sécurité alimentaire de cette grande région, doivent relever le défi de la restauration et du maintien de la capacité productive des terres. Les...
2024 - CIRAD

Journal article
Does the payment method matter in online shopping behaviour?

Study on the Romanian market of vegetables during the pandemic crisis
Abstract: The present study, centred on customer online shopping behaviours, aims at analysing the frequency of vegetable acquisition and its main determining factors, while considering different methods of payment, i.e. cash, debit card, and bank transfer on the Romanian market. Using data obtained from a questionnaire applied nationwide, a descriptive analysis and logistic regression were performed. An immature...
2024 - Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research Romanian Academy Iasi Branch

Blog article
Reconciling conservation agriculture and agroforestry for sustainability

Mongabay is publishing a new edition of the book, “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon,” in short installments and in three languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese. In this section, Killeen focuses on land management that seeks to reconcile the technologies of modern agriculture with the worn-out practices of organic farming. It also...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Ecuador - Peru
2024 - Mongabay: News & Inspiration from Nature´s Frontline

Nourrir sans détruire avec des systèmes alimentaires territorialisés durables : le cas de l’espace Afrique-Europe

Après quatre transitions technologiques et organisationnelles en 400 000 ans, l’humanité est en quête d’une sécurité alimentaire durable et partagée. En effet, les lourdes externalités négatives du système agro-industriel devenu hégémonique en 150 ans incitent à reconstruire les systèmes alimentaires dans une perspective socio-écologique. Sur la base d’une synthèse de diverses prospectives, les...

Blog article
Innovating tradition to protect ancient forests in Papua New Guinea

Supporting an Indigenous Peoples’ community to monitor forests with satellites and tablet
Besta Pulum cannot contain his excitement about the tablet computer he is holding in his hands. “When I was young, I never saw that kind of computer. Now I’m seeing it; I didn’t sleep [from excitement],” says the community chief, who reckons his age at around 60. Like his father before...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - FAO

Blog article
Realizing gender equality: A greater challenge with climate change

SDG 5 calls for achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. Women spend far more time on unpaid and domestic work than men, on average an additional 2.4 hours a day. One in five girls get married before the age of 18. Climate change threatens to worsen these...
2024 - World Bank Group

Valorisation des sous-produits du palmier-dattier pour contribuer à la durabilité des oasis du Maroc

L’objectif de l’étude est de réduire les risques de dissémination du Fusarium oxysporum fs albedenis (bayoud) et d’incendies de palmeraies, causés par l’accumulation des sous-produits du palmier dattier. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé des entretiens avec les phœniciculteurs des oasis et de leurs extensions sur l’entretien du palmier dattier, la...

VIII Global Conference Family Farming: Sustainability of our Planet

Since its establishment, the World Rural Forum has held 8 Global Conferences on Family Farming, attended by hundreds of the highest-level representatives from governments, international organizations, research centers, family farmers’ organizations, cooperatives and NGDOs from 5 continents. The generated debates have served to set and highlight action priorities in favor...
2024 - World Rural Forum

Newsletter article
IYAFA: A New Era of Hope

The 10th Anniversary of the SSF Guidelines in 2024 will offer an opportunity to renew individual and collective commitments
The end of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) has led to a new era of support for artisanal fisheries and small-scale aquaculture. Several closing events were held around the world, not only to recognize the importance of small-scale fisheries (SSF) and their contribution to food...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
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