Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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USAID Tajikistan, Family Farming Program DAI

USAID program for helping Tajik Family Farmers to manage the water scarcity 

Communication for Rural Development

Communication for Development (ComDev) is a participatory approach that integrates community media, low-cost ICTs, mobile phones and other communication tools to facilitate access to information, knowledge sharing and social dialogue. Well- planned and managed ComDev activities are crucial to ensure stakeholder engagement, and should be considered in project design, in...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations

Potentially Important Food Plants of Lesotho

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Working paper
Sistema sustentable de producción de cerdos a pequeña y mediana escala

Cómo ser pequeño y eficiente
Este documento aborda las pautas de trabajo que permite alcanzar el objetivo de eficiencia productiva.  
2014 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Argentina

Caracterización y diagnóstico de la cadena de valor de la quinua en la Argentina

La quinua es un cultivo tradicional de origen milenario que en los últimos años ha sido revalorizado por ciertos sectores de las sociedades más ricas del mundo debido a las propiedades nutricionales que contiene. Este hecho queda evidenciado en la evolución del comercio mundial. La demanda en el año 2012...
2014 - Ministerio de Agroindustria

Case study
Shashe Agro-ecology School for Farmer-to-farmer Training, Zimbabwe

In 2000, twelve smallholder farming families, which had gathered extensive experience on agroecological methods by working closely with a grassroots organization called the Association of Zimbabwe Traditional Environmental Conservationists (AZTREC), organized themselves into a group. They initiated a project to set up a school for farmer-to-farmer training in Zimbabwe which...
2014 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Escuela Nacional de Agroecología (aprendiendo de la experiencia en Ecuador)

Llámese agroecología, agricultura orgánica, agricultura natural, agricultura sostenible con bajos insumos externos, etc., [lo fundamental es] especificar los principios ecológicos, sociales y políticos que el movimiento defiende, [que se] basan en la recuperación de los métodos de la agricultura campesina tradicional, la innovación en las nuevas prácticas ecológicas, el control...
2014 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

Formación de promotores y promotoras

Guía Metodológica de Agroecología
Heifer Ecuador junto con Organizaciones de Segundo Grado de los Cantones Cayambe y Pedro Moncayo, impulsó la formación de promotores/as locales en Agroecología, con el objetivo de fortalecer las iniciativas de producción más sana y amigable con el ambiente. Los procesos de capacitación a los promotores/as están direccionados para que...
2014 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

Design for Life: Homestead design & layout

In this 15 minute film on homestead design, Jacob encourages us to start at the beginning, and to consider the layout of our homesteads - thinking carefully about the resources we have and need, in order to optimise our productive potential with a more integrated design. Key aspects include human...
2014 - GardenAfrica

Journal article
The Evolution of Organic Agricultural Land Areas in the Emerging Countries of the European Union

The paper analyses the manner in which organic agriculture has developed in the emerging countries of the European Union, in particular during the current economic crisis. Organic agriculture represents a continuously expanding sector in the European Union. In the period 2000-2012, the total utilized area for organic production increased by...

Journal article
Benefits of Short Food Supply Chains for the Development of Rural Tourism in Romania as Emergent Country During Crisis

The current paper analyses the way the short food supply chain can positively influence the development of the rural tourism, with economic, social and environment benefits, as well as the harmonious and sustainable development of the rural communities. Numerous examples offered by the developed countries prove that, for the well-known...

Technical paper
Diseño de un sistema de calificación para productores de la agricultura familiar campesina de la región sierra dentro del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca

El presente trabajo de tesis se justifica por la necesidad del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP) así como de otras instituciones del Estado, de contar con un registro de productores de la agricultura familiar campesina que les permita direccionar apropiadamente la política pública hacia el fomento y...
2014 - Universidad Central del Ecuador

Sustainable Agriculture Land Management

CLIMATE CHANGE with uncertain weather conditions constitute one of the main challenges for small-holder farmers in the East African region. Vi Agroforestry works with farmers and farmers’ organisations to increase their environmental awareness, helping farmers to adapt to climate change, increasing the use of sustainable energy and prevent and reduce...

Romanian Farm Life Under Threat

Farm Life in Romania Countryside.

Num clima de prosa

Agricultura familiar e mudanças climáticas no sertão nordestino
A história em quadrinhos e a linguagem informal foram escolhidas pela sub-rede Mudanças Climáticas e Desenvolvimento Regional para apresentar a percepção de agricultores familiares do sertão nordestino sobre as alterações no clima e, também, como isso tem afetado as suas atividades produtivas. Com o objetivo de estabelecer um diálogo de saberes,...
2014 - Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Fédération des AMAP de Picardie - Nos valeurs

Le partenariat entre producteurs et amapiens est illustré ici par de nombreux témoignages, qui montrent les valeurs fortes en jeu : solidarité, engagement, compréhension mutuelle, transparence. Les relations établies dépassent le cadre habituel d’achat, elles permettent aux agriculteurs de partager leurs réalités, et aux amapiens de s’engager pour une agriculture nourricière,...
2014 - AMAP

The daily life of a smallholder farming in West Africa

The Traoré family in West Africa is prevented from realising its full potential. Reasons are poorly functioning markets, insufficient opportunities for education, training and information, the effects of climate change and poor access to land and water.
2014 - EDA-DFAE-FDFA - Swiss Foreign Ministry

Case study
Agroecology for home and market

A winning combination for rural communities in Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe
The primary objective of this project has been to promote a shift to agroecological farming. This involves rebuilding soil organic matter and protecting it from further depletion, and promoting are turn to productive diversity through intercropping and rotation. By increasing biodiversity and habitats, farmers are restoring the balance between pests...
2014 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

La CONAPAC renforce les leaders paysans sur l’approche FACT

Trente-cinq participants dont 7 femmes ont pris part active à l’atelier préparatoire sur le FACT tenu du 26 au 29 mai 2014 à Kindu, ; province du Maniema. Cet atelier qui a connu une implication du Gouvernement provincial du Maniema à travers son Ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement rurala...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2014 - Confédération Nationale des Producteurs Agricoles du Congo (CONAPAC)

Journal article
Conversion of Family Farms and Resilience in Southland, New Zealand

The well-known deregulation of New Zealand agriculture prompted the growth of dairy farming, particularly in the region of Southland. The formation of the giant cooperative Fonterra only exacerbated the conversion of sheep farms into dairy farms that challenged both farmers’ and the region’s traditional identity as a sheep country. Interviews...
New Zealand
Total results:3130