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Case study
Mapeo de iniciativa de agricultura familiar en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
Resumen de iniciativa vinculadas a la agricultura familiar
El mapeo de las iniciativas de agricultura familiar es una herramienta que busca entregar una visión completa sobre el panorama de cada país de América Latina y el Caribe. Este resumen presenta una categorización de las distintas leyes que se implementaron e implementarán.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Case study
Mapeo de iniciativa de agricultura familiar en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Resumen de iniciativa vinculadas a la agricultura familiar
El mapeo de las iniciativas de agricultura familiar es una herramienta que busca entregar una visión completa sobre panorama de cada país de América Latina y el Caribe. Este resumen presenta una categorización de las distintas leyes que se implementaron e implementaran.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Policy brief/paper
Plan nacional de respuesta y rehabilitación para el sector agropecuario ante los efectos del COVID-19 en Bolivia
Tras la llegada de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Bolivia, el Gobierno de Bolivia ha enfrentado grandes desafíos para responder a esta crisis, que provocó efectos adversos en todos los sectores, y el sector agropecuario no ha sido una excepción.
El presente documento es el reflejo de un trabajo conjunto y...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2021 - Ministerio de Desarrollo Rucal y Tierra (MDRyT) - Bolivia
Projeto AgroEcos: Boletim de Notícias número 2, Novembro 2021
No contexto de nosso projeto, o termo ‘EcoSol-agroecologia’ indica uma convergência entre agroecologia e economia solidaria, que construí circuitos curtos além das relações financeiras. EcoSol-agroecologia entende a produção e consumo de alimentos num base autogestionado e antipatriarcal. Visa a produção de alimentos limpos, justos, acessíveis. Portanto este proceso valoriza seu...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil
Fact sheet
Reseña de Agricultura Familiar - Bolivia
La agricultura familiar representa más del 80% de las explotaciones agrícolas en América Latina y el Caribe, llegando a ocupar entre el 12 y el 67% de la superficie agropecuaria. Así también, es la encargada de producir más del 70% de los alimentos en la región (FAO, 2014). La reseña...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Dissemination material for improved productivity: small livestock keepers in the forest margins of Bolivia
Small-stocks play a particularly important role in many forest margin farming systems. A range of simple management strategies, techniques and interventions allow for improved productivity and better integration of animals into these farming systems. In particular, these interventions benefit poorer farmers. In addition to on-farm participatory research activities, a series...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Restocking pastoralists: a manual of best practice
Prior research has demonstrated that restocking has had little long-term impact on the lives and livelihood of poor pastoralists. Given the forces of change impacting pastoralist communities, restocking projects need to account for shifting community values, aspirations, norms and behaviour regarding livestock-keeping. The objective of this study was to develop...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Development of tools for draught animals
Participatory rural appraisals identified a number of major limiting factors in farming systems in Bolivia. These included the husbandry of draught animals, their health, nutrition, feeding, and housing, as well as the improved use of draught animals. The project developed, tested and disseminated a range of appropriate tillage and transport...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Agency and advocacy in the food systems of the majority: Food for thought from the Sustainable Diets for All programme
Interventions to improve the sustainability and nutrition of food can be misdirected when based on assumptions about people’s priorities and level of knowledge. When citizens have the capacity to act on their own priorities — in other words when they have agency — there is the potential to achieve better...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Indonesia - Uganda - Zambia
2020 - International Insitute for Environment and Development
Establecimiento y manejo de pasturas mejoradas: la Briachiaria brizanta
La Brachiaria brizanta es un pasto permanente y amacollado, con tallos vigorosos que alcanzan alturas de 1,5 a 2 metros. El valor nutritivo se considera entre moderado y bueno, si se compara con otras especies de Brachiarias, en relación con su palatabilidad, consumo, digestibilidad y composición química. Por eso, el...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Blog article
Friendly Germs
At a recent event in Cochabamba, just before Bolivia went into lockdown over coronavirus, I had a rare opportunity to see how to make products or inputs used in agroecological farming.
The organizers (the NGO Agroecología y Fe) were well prepared. They had written recipes for the organic fertilizers and natural...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - Agro-Insight
Abono bocachi para mejorar la resistencia de cultivos ante heladas
Los Andes tropicales desempeñan un papel fundamental para la seguridad alimentaria de comunidades en la región. A pesar de que en el pasado la agricultura andina ha permitido mantener una gran diversidad de cultivos, los efectos del cambio climático, sumados a presiones socio económicas de las últimas décadas han degradado...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Strategies for improved soil and water conservation practices in hillside production systems
The use of live-barriers has been shown to both increase productivity and control soil erosion at an individual plot or field level. This is especially useful in the more intensive cropping systems of Andean Bolivia, where live barriers may encourage further intensification. Cover crops, such as Phalaris, can play a...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Blog article
Offbeat urban fertilizer
Some urbanites in Covid lockdown are rediscovering their neglected gardens. Living in or near the city also gives you access to some products that are hard to find in farm country. For example, cabinet makers in the city may be able to give you wood shavings that you can use...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - AGROinsight
Blog article
Travelling Farmers
We once had a talented carpenter named Rodrigo, who would come to our house to fix cabinets and build closets. He liked to start in the afternoon and stay for dinner. He was slow and methodical, but his work was always perfect. Every year, this bohemian handyman would take his...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - AGROinsight
Cocina Par
En los últimos años en Latinoamérica se ha reforzado un sentimiento de orgullo y preocupación al mismo tiempo por el Patrimonio Alimentario Regional (PAR) que atesoran sus países, sobre todo en el área rural.
Orgullo mostrado en las cartas de restaurantes afamados, circuitos turísticos gastronómicos con identidad, incluso en espacios de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Chile - Peru
2020 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)
The voices of women vendors in popular market dining areas in La Paz
Bolivian diets have changed significantly in recent years as a result of urbanisation, increased purchasing power, and changes in consumer preferences. Despite this, the food system in cities like La Paz is still based on traditional wholesale and retail markets. Popular dining areas, where cooked food is sold inside these...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development
Blog article
Learning to teach
A really good teacher will teach you both subject matter and how to explain it to others. Elías Sánchez mentored thousands of Central Americans in organic agriculture. He started his adult life as a rural schoolteacher because he wanted to help people. But he soon realized that rural people needed...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - Agroinsight
Blog article
Frente a la COVID-19, los agricultores urbanos bolivianos se replantean cómo trabajar
Las entregas a domicilio permiten llevar alimentos frescos a las ciudades durante la pandemia
Simón Laura y su hija se ocupan de su huerto familiar en las afueras de El Alto-La Paz, ayudando a garantizar el suministro de productos frescos a las ciudades cercanas
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Blog article
The right way to distribute trees
The project team read the names of each subscribed family, to make sure they were all there, and gave each one a new steel pick, a wooden handle and a hoe, so they would have the right tools to plant the trees. Each family also got a bag of bread...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Coca Cola Foundation, Bolivian bottler
Total results:314