Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Case study
Himalayan Permaculture Centre (HPC)

Himalayan Permaculture Centre (HPC) is a grass-roots NGO registered at national and district level. It has a focus on remote/poor/resource depleted farming communities in Surkhet & Humla districts of Western Nepal, and especially marginalised populations (women & low-caste), using low-tech appropriate technologies to increase domestic farm productivity through reducing costs...
2017 - Himalayan Permaculture Centre

Building a common vision for sustainable food and agriculture

This course examines the challenges facing agriculture and food production systems and presents a common vision and coordinated approach towards sustainable food and agriculture developed through intensive consultations and discussions among agriculture specialists. It illustrates in detail the five key principles that allow the transition toward a more sustainable and...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Case study
Impacto Social y Económico de la Malnutrición: Ecuador

El Ecuador, al igual que en el resto de los países de la región y el mundo, se enfrenta ante un enorme desafío de salud resultante de una dieta desequilibrada a causa del consumo deficiente o excesivo de nutrientes, es decir, de malnutrición y su doble carga. Por un lado,...
2017 - Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA Ecuador)

Community-based Fisheries Management - Fishing voices from the Pacific

In the largest ocean in the world, the people of the Pacific face growing threats to their marine resources due to growing populations, overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Over half of the Pacific island population rely on coastal fisheries as the main source of food and income. With the support of...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Short Supply Chain Knowledge and Innovation Network

Aiming to boost short food supply chains in Europe, a newly launched Horizon 2020project – SKIN – will work to create a knowledge and innovation network and foster demand-driven, bottom-up innovation. The project will bring together food producers and consumers into a permanent association of stakeholders, working to improve the efficiency...
European Union
2017 - EIP-AGRI

Magazine article
Representante da FAO defende maior participação da mulher nos espaços políticos

O representante da Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO) no Brasil, Alan Bojanic, defendeu hoje (23) maior presença das mulheres nos espaços de poder e nas tomadas de decisões, visando a proteger os seus direitos, que muitas vezes não são reconhecidos. A afirmação foi feita durante o...
2017 - ISTOÉ

Case study
Farmers improve food and nutritional security through agroecology in Mozambique

For over a decade ActionAid Mozambique (AAMoz) has worked with strategic partner organisations in the south and north-east of the country to promote agroecology initiatives with 80 farmers’ associations consisting of over 8000 farmers. 96% of the members are women and 30% of them young people, cultivating an average of...
2017 - ActionAid

Agricultura Familiar en España

The Family Agriculture Yearbook in Spain has become a referenceFor all the professionals who follow the agrarian activity in Spain. The theme that is developed in the 2017 edition, "Agriculture, development and innovation in rural territories. The risks of depopulation: Where there is agriculture, there is life ", has a...
2017 - Fundación de Estudios Rurales

Technical paper
Organizational challenges and the institutional environment

A comparative analysis of dairy cooperatives in Kenya and Morocco
Based on two case studies (dairy value chain in Kenya and Morocco), the study provides a methodological framework and analyze the enabling institutional factors for the development and thriving of producer organizations.
Kenya - Morocco
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Nutrition and food systems

A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
The High Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) is the science-policy interface of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), which is, at the global level, the foremost inclusive and evidence-based international and intergovernmental platform for food security and nutrition (FSN). The HLPE reports serve as...
2017 - Committee on World Food Security

Blog article
As cinco regiões do País ganharam embaixadoras da agricultura familiar

Cinco agricultoras rurais foram escolhidas como embaixadoras das cinco regiões do Brasil. A cerimônia de entrega das placas alusivas à homenagem foi realizada durante o lançamento da Campanha #Mulheres Rurais, Mulheres com Direitos, da FAO/ONU em parceria com a Reunião Especializada Sobre Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (REAF), e sob a...
2017 - Asssociação Brasileira das Entidades Estaduais de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (ASBRAER)

Case study
Local Seed Bank in Palestine

In the world of agriculture, all too often we stop cultivating a vegetable or raising an animal breed simply because they are not profitable enough. The economic market is oriented to maximizing yields at all costs, concentrating on a small selection of the most “productive” species. Though it may warrant...
2017 - UAWC

Branding Natura 2000 products

Natura 2000 is the largest network of protected areas in the world. People living in and around Natura 2000 areas utilise these for a variety of economic activities. Designation of Natura 2000 areas often creates additional restrictions though, sometimes leading people to perceive Natura 2000 as a burden. One solution...
European Union
2017 - The Eurosite Network

Branding Natura 2000 products

A branding campaign and a dedicated website to promote Natura 2000 products with the aim of showcasing their socio-economic benefits and triggering new partnerships between site managers, farmers and local businesses has been launched.
European Union
2017 - EuroSite

Blog article
Agricultoras familiares do DF qualificam seus produtos e recebem Selo da Agricultura Familiar

Durante o lançamento da Campanha #Mulheres Rurais, Mulheres com Direitos, da FAO/ONU em parceria com a Reunião Especializada Sobre Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (REAF), e sob a coordenação da Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead), foi entregue o Selo de Identificação da Participação da Agricultura Familiar (Sipaf)...
2017 - Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural do Distrito Federal (EMATER-DF)

Technical paper
Five years of the AAF’s technical assistance facility

Enhancing the food security impact of agri-business investments in Africa
To amplify the development impact of the African Agriculture Fund, the International Fund for Agricultural Development actively promoted a Technical Assistance Facility to work alongside its investments. Blending development finance with technical assistance can be a powerful tool to achieve business growth and development outcomes. After five years of implementation,...
Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Ethiopia - Madagascar - Malawi - Nigeria - Sierra Leone - South Africa - Zambia
2017 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Civil Society Mechanism - Annual Report 2015/2016

The Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) for relations with the CFS is the largest international space of civil society organizations (CSOs) working to eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition. The purpose of the CSM is to autonomously facilitate civil society participation in policy processes of the CFS. During the reporting period, the...
2017 - Civil Society Mechanism

Case study
Innovations in Agroecology – a case study from the Netherlands

In Noord-Brabant, a region in South-West Netherlands, Govert van Dis and his wife Phily Brooijmans are running an organic arable farm of around 100 hectares. They run the farm together and actively follow innovations in agroecology. Crops are grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, therefore crop rotation forms the...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Blog article
AFA Conducts Cooperative Development Forum in Vietnam and Nepal

One of the five point priority agenda of the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) is to build and strengthen farmers’ cooperatives and their enterprises that will give farmers a stronger involvement in value chains and increase their market power. Thus, AFA has established a Cooperative Development Program...
2017 - Asian Farmers Association AFA

Magazine article
Farming Matters - Building food sovereignty

This issue of Farming Matters is about food sovereignty. Food sovereignty is a self-organised, grassroots response to today’s problematic food and farming system. Diverse people, such as producers, consumers, peasants, migrant farm workers and urban citizens, to name a few, are uniting around initiatives to regain control over their food...
2017 - ILEIA
Total results:18573