Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Manual de Buenas Prácticas para Proveedores de la Agricultura Familiar Campesina

El presente manual es una guía para los Proveedores Agricultura Familiar Campesina de las Tiendas Mundo Rural (TMR), que busca entregar elementos necesarios a la hora de comprometerse a ser proveedor y de cómo crear relaciones transparentes y saludables con los administradores TMR. El manual entrega elementos para los proveedores campesinos...
2017 - Instituto Desarrollo Agropecuario - Ministerio de Agricultura Chile

Boletín informativo FAO El Salvador: Junio, 2016

El presente boletín informa periodicamente sobre las actividades, eventos y logros alcanzados por los participantes en los proyectos ejecutados con el apoyo de FAO El Salvador. En esta edición, encontrará interesantes artículos: Familias recibieron sistemas de cosecha y almacenamiento de agua FAO fortalece la agricultura familiar para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional Experiencia...
El Salvador
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

The World Food Crisis: The Way Out

When the world food crisis exploded in 2007–2008, international prices of all major food commodities reached their highest level in nearly 30 years, pushing the number of people living in hunger to one billion, and compromising the human right to adequate food and nutrition of many more. The ‘crisis’—which many...
2017 - FIAN

Journal article
Inpa vai implantar duas unidades para capacitar pequenos produtores rurais do Amazonas

A ideia do Inpa é ir além da pesquisa e disseminar o conhecimento científico com a comunidade
Com R$ 3 milhões da Finep, projeto do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia prevê a capacitação de 1.000 piscicultores e produtores rurais de Manaus e do interior do estado. Os pequenos produtores de peixe terão a oportunidade de melhorar a capacidade técnica e dinamizar as criações. Já os plantios...
2017 - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Inpa)

International Congress – Global Peasants’ Rights

The 'Global Peasants' Rights' congress sheds light on the situation of small scale farmers and the rural population around the world, draws public attention to the importance of peasants for sustainable local and regional production of food in agro ecological quality and emphasizes the need to protect their rights and...
2017 - Haus der Bauern” foundation

Blog article
Encontro da Sead com mulheres rurais no Maranhão e no Pará

Visitar um contrato Ater Quilombolas, que também atende mulheres, e conhecer ações de organização produtiva e econômica executadas pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) com agricultoras, são algumas das agendas da visita técnica da Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead) aos estados do Maranhão e do...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017

Building resilience for peace and food security
The international community is committed to ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition worldwide by 2030. While much progress has been made, conflict and human-induced and natural disasters are causing setbacks. This year’s The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World warns that the long-term declining trend in undernourishment seems...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The outlook of agriculture and rural development in the Americas 2017-2018

This document analyzes the main changes that have taken place in agriculture and the rural milieu during the 2016-2017 period. It also considers the prospects and main trends in the region, in a context characterized by a slow and uneven global economic recovery in 2016, but with signs of an...
2017 - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Inclusive Agricultural Value Chain for Coffee

Coffee farmers from various organisations in Southeast Asia gathered in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 19-21 July 2017 to showcase their produce, share their experiences in farming, and to exchange knowledge to improve the marketing of their products for the ASEAN Learning Series and Policy Engagement on Agricultural Cooperative (ALSPEAC). The coffee farmers...
2017 - ALSPEAC

Journal article
Ethiopian dairy value chains

Quality upgrading in ethiopian dairy value chains: dovetailing upstream and downstream perspectives
In this article, we analyze opportunities and constraints for upgrading product quality in the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. Our analysis is based on an integrated understanding of supply chain performance both from producer and from consumer perspectives. We outline as main drivers for quality upgrading: (a) factors that influence...

Research Report on Farmer Cooperatives in Georgia

The present paper is the product of research on cooperatives in Georgia carried out by Elkana from August to October 2016 in the framework of the AGROinform-led IFAD-funded project “Promoting inclusive horticultural value chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova” The goal of the research is to provide valuable information...
2017 - ELKANA

Newsletter article
Agricultura Familiar na Expointer

Faltam dois dias para a abertura da 40° Expointer, a maior feira de animais, máquinas, implementos e produtos agrícolas a céu aberto da América Latina. A Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead) levará para o evento sabores e belezas da agricultura familiar, em incentivo à comercialização dos...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Policy brief/paper
Bringing agro-ecological alternatives to light

A process of reflection & engagement in West Africa
Over the course of 2017, the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) will seek to support and stimulate an open reflection on the future of agricultural development in West Africa. While industrial agriculture and ‘Green Revolution’ approaches promise short-term increases in productivity, they are yet to provide...
2017 - International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food)

Journal article
Memorias chacareras en torno a la expansión del cooperativismo agrario pampeano en el sur de la provincia de Santa Fe (1945-1946)

El período 1946-55, bajo la primera y segunda presidencia de J. D. Perón, fue el momento de mayor institucionalización del cooperativismo agrario pampeano. Estas instituciones transformaron el campo de la comercialización de cereales eliminando al intermediario y ocupando su lugar. Paralelamente, transformaron a los productores asociados y sus familias, conformándose...
2017 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Acheter local, bio et de saison : un acte politique

Comment court-circuiter le modèle classique de distribution alimentaire ? En implantant des circuits courts, répondent les citoyens et les paysans convaincus de la portée politique que représente l’acte de manger. Échange entre Aimée Serve-Gorce, arboricultrice bio, Marion Tournand-Ponson, d’AlterConso, Thibaut Duez, de l’épicerie lyonnaise De l’autre côté de la rue, Geneviève...

EAFRD - 10th October 2017, Paris, France

Introductory Speech at 3rd EU Fi-compass Conference on Financial Instruments for Agriculture and Rural Development
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Le Baromètre des agricultures familiales

Le Baromètre des agricultures familiales traite des enjeux qui touchent les agricultures familiales et auxquelles les agricultures familiales répondent. Il investigue la transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables, qui permettraient d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire de toutes et tous, aujourd’hui et demain.
2017 - Autre Terre

Blog article
Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos: benefícios para quem vende e para quem compra

Você sabia que a agricultura familiar, além de abastecer a mesa de milhões de brasileiros, também está ajudando a alimentar quem muitas vezes não tem condições financeiras para isso? O Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA) garante o atendimento de populações em situação de insegurança alimentar e nutricional, e ainda...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Documentário ConViver

The Brazilian Semiarid is no longer that place of extreme poverty, of the bucket of water in the head, of the rural exodus. Combating drought gives way to coexistence with a region and well-being. A new scenario shows itself to be prosperous in the colors of the fruits of the...
2017 - Articulação Semiárido (ASA)

The Happy Pear Living Foods Farm

Darragh Flynn (27) started the Happy Pear Living Foods Farm 4 years ago in 2009. He now grows wheatgrass and many different types of sprouts, like beans, sunflower, chickpeas, alfafa, leaks, etc. Darragh delivers all over Ireland and shows us that even without land, it is possible to set up...
2017 - Future Farmers in the Spotlight
Total results:3103