Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
Consumidores tornam-se parceiros da agricultura familiar

Com mais de 70 unidades espalhadas pelo país, as Comunidades que Sustentam a Agricultura (CSAs) colhem frutos por onde passam. Proposta originária da Alemanha, no final do século 19, baseada no conceito de Agricultura Solidária, a CSA se apoia em uma parceria mútua entre quem planta e quem consome. Somados...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Agroecology: The Bold Future of Farming in Africa

Agroecology is deeply rooted in the ecological rationale of traditional small-scale agriculture, representing long established examples of successful agricultural systems characterized by a tremendous diversity of domesticated crop and animal species maintained and enhanced by ingenuous soil, water and biodiversity management regimes, nourished by complex traditional knowledge systems. Such complex...
Burkina Faso - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Malawi - Togo - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zimbabwe
2017 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Blog article
Embrapa lança novo sistema de produção de agricultura integrada

Fruticultura integrada com lavouras e hortaliças. Essa é a base de um novo sistema de produção de agricultura integrada desenvolvido pela Embrapa: o Sistema Filho. O nome do sistema faz referência às iniciais das palavras Fruticultura, Integrada, com Lavouras e Hortaliças, as quais designam a sua aptidão. “Essa tecnologia tem tudo a...
2017 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)

Journal article
Doing more with less

In essence, ‘doing more with less’ is about reducing the pressure on existing resources and avoiding economic and environmental costs associated with excessive resource use. Avoiding over-exploitation can ensure that resources are still available to future generations. At the same time, promoting more efficient resource use can ensure that sustainable...
European Union
2017 - ENRD

VIIth International Conference of La Via Campesina

La Via Campesina International Conferences are the highest-level space for proposing and making decisions within the movement. From July 16th to 24th, 2017, La Via Campesina will gather in Derio, Biskaia in the Basque Country to re-affirm the commitment of member organizations to build a common path towards food sovereignty...
2017 - La Via Campesina

Small Farmer Dreams Big with Natural Farming Techniques

Hle Gu, Myanmar – Saw Htoo Baw is a young farmer from Tha Bite Kone village, Hle Gu Township in Myanmar. In 2015, the Agricultural Farmer Federation of Myanmar (AFFM) visited his area and met with him. Saw Htoo Baw expressed his concern about the increasing use of synthetic and chemical...
2017 - Agriculture and Farmer Federation of Myanmar (AFFM)

Blog article
Chaco: cambio climático y agricultura familiar

Noticia sobre el INTA y la UCAR, donde se realata que a través del Proyecto Adaptación y Resiliencia de la Agricultura Familiar del NEA ante el Impacto del Cambio Climático y su Variabilidad, continúan realizando actividades de capacitación tendientes a mejorar el acceso al agua, la producción y por ende,...
2017 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Argentina

Blog article
Biointensive farming: the future of our food production system

Biointensive agriculture is a sustainable organic farming system based on working with the basic elements needed for life – soil, water, air and sun – to achieve maximum yields, while increasing biodiversity and soil fertility.This form of farming is suitable for small-scale farmers because it enables them to harvest great...
2017 - Greentumble

Blog article
Carta de Olmué fija orientaciones para los Gobiernos y la Agricultura Familiar del Mercosur

Avanzar en el diálogo político y la dignificación del mundo campesino, y profundizar en la definición de políticas públicas específicas para los pequeños agricultores, fueron las ideas fuerza que marcaron el acto de clausura de la Primera Conferencia Regional de Agricultura Familiar del Mercosur Ampliado que se desarrolló en Olmué,...
2017 - Reunión Especializada de la Agricultura Familiar Campesina (REAF)

Blog article
Group of 13 Countries Proposes Adoption of a Decade of Family Farming

Costa Rica, Angola, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, Spain, Thailand and Uruguay make up the Core Group working on the draft resolution for the Decade of Family Farming. Wednesday, 16th of August 2017- On the 25th of July, the 13 countries that make up the...

Programa de Estudios Regionales y Territoriales

El Programa de Estudios Regionales y Territoriales (PERT) es un ámbito de investigación académica, docencia, transferencia y divulgación, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) focalizado en cuestiones vinculadas al desarrollo territorial  (en particular asociadas con lo rural, lo local y las economías regionales). Está conformado por investigadores de diferentes...
2017 - Programa de Estudios Regionales y Territoriales, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Brazilian Family Farming - Biofach

The Brazilian Special Secretariat for Family Farming and Agrarian Development (Sead) and the Brazilian Embassy in Berlin are proud to present at this year’s edition of BioFach six family farming cooperatives and their very best organic products, amongst which you will find rice, coffee, powder guarana, propolis, honey, Brazil nuts,...
2017 - The Brazilian Special Secretariat for Family Farming and Agrarian Development (SEAD)

Blog article
A roadmap towards Water Sustainability in the NENA Region

FAO and SIDA launch Water Efficiency and Sustainability Project in NENA Countries
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in cooperation with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), today launched the regional project “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in NENA countries” during a regional event taking place in Cairo, Egypt. The project will also...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Newsletter article
L'enjeu du riz en Afrique de l'ouest

Le riz est un produit essentiel pour la sécurité alimentaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. La crise alimentaire de 2008 y a déclenché des politiques publiques d’appuis aux filières riz. La préoccupation des gouvernements est d’assurer la stabilité politique en veillant à la sécurité alimentaire des populations urbaines de plus en...
2017 - SOS Faim

Adapting irrigation to climate change (AICCA)

Climate change represents a challenge for rural people in West and Central Africa, causing water shortages and droughts in some areas and floods in others. It impacts both the demand and availability of water for agriculture, affecting the proportion of people suffering from insecure access to water. Smallholder farmers are...
Chad - Côte d'Ivoire - Gambia - Liberia - Mali - Mauritania - Niger - Sierra Leone
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

19th Organic World Congress

An Organic World Through an Organic India / 9 - 11 November 2017, New Delhi, India
Every three years, the organic sector comes together at the Organic World Congress (OWC), the world’s largest and most significant organic gathering, to discuss and deliberate issues of the day. The OWC is an unique opportunity to share experiences, innovations and knowledge about organics and also take part in the...
2017 - IFOAM Organics International

Blog article
Produção agroecológica e permacultura: conheça a história de Ana do Mel

Nos arredores da grande São Paulo, na área rural do distrito de Parelheiros, uma mulher começou a trabalhar de forma tímida com o manuseio da terra. Vinte anos se passaram e ela é hoje a responsável pela existência de uma agrofloresta, que fica há cerca de noventa quilômetros do centro...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Policy brief/paper
Green Paper on Food, Nutrition, Agriculture and Rural Areas

Good food, strong agriculture, vibrant regions
Healthy food and nutrition is a very immediate and personal part of our lives, and it is our agricultural sector that lays the foundation for this. Our agricultural, horticultural, viticultural and forestry sectors are also instrumental in shaping our homeland and landscapes. Food, agriculture and homeland: since time immemorial, these...
European Union
2017 - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

PGS: An introduction to Participatory Guarantee Systems

This short video explains the basis of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS).
2017 - IFOAM

Blog article
Small farmers contributing with school feeding

Boosting the economy of small farmers through School Meals
Small-holder farmers also contribute with school meals, delivering fresh and locally produced foods that improve the academic performance and school permanence of children, while at the same time, strengthen the local economy. The World Food Programme (WFP) in Ecuador is working with the Ministry of Education to complement the National Government’s...
2017 - World Food Programme (WFP)
Total results:3103