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Case study
Agroecological training on biofertilisers improves women’s livelihoods in Togo.
In the Plateaux region of Togo, the natural richness of the soil means that farming is the primary livelihood of those who live there. In the Kpélé Prefecture, in the south-west, the relatively mild climates and good rainfall should make it perfect for agriculture. However, the farming communities have witnessed...
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
Case study
A pathway to food security: Tackling the Issue of Land Rights as a Pathway to Food Security in Uganda
Amplifying the voices of women farmers is proving an effective way to help tackle gender inequality and promote agroecology, helping small-scale farmers take back power over their land.
np - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)
Blog article
Cassava seed business changes women farmers’ lives in Tanzania
Tanzania is building sustainable cassava-seed systems for high-quality seed through cassava seed entrepreneurs. However, women are often shut out of such business opportunities due to their lack of land, capital, and social norms that limit their mobility and literacy.
United Republic of Tanzania
2025 - International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Women's Empowerment and Climate Justice: Three fish preservation, handling and processing interventions improving livelihoods in Kenya’s Lake Victoria region
Lake Victoria – the second largest lake in the world – supports around 200,000 fishers in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, with more than 50 million people depending on it directly or indirectly for their livelihoods. But with fish being a highly perishable product, fishing communities have little time to either...
2025 - WorldFish
Adapting the Women's Empowerment in Nutrition Index: Lessons from Kenya
Women face a disproportionate burden of malnutrition and food insecurity. Research has shown that women's empowerment can buffer women against nutritional problems. This paper contributes to ongoing efforts to measure women's empowerment that are both context-sensitive and universal, focusing on the recently developed Women's Empowerment in Nutrition Index (WENI). Earlier...
Gender transformative change for climate action
Taking a gender transformative approach for resilient and sustainable agrifood systems
This technical study highlights the role of discriminatory social institutions, unequal power relations and agency in influencing climate resilience processes for sustainable agrifood systems. It also defines core characteristics of gender transformative change in climate resilience programming and presents a collection of climate change interventions that address different dimensions of...
2025 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Integración del Enfoque de Género en Cambio Climático, Resiliencia y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres
El presente resumen regional fue elaborado con las contribuciones de nueve agencias del Sistema de Naciones Unidas con presencia en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC): PNUMA, UNDRR, PNUD, OIT, ONU Mujeres, CEPAL, UNICEF, ACNUR y OIM. Estas agencias son integrantes de la Coalición Basada en Temas (IBC) en Cambio...
2024 - Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA)
Newsletter article
Uganda: Power to the People
Five members of the Katosi Women Development Trust (KWDT) talk about various policies and initiatives to empower small-scale fishing communities in Uganda.
Does the Government of Uganda pay due attention to social and economic development to empower small-scale fishing communities? How?
The Government of Uganda has made strides to put in place...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
INFORME MUJERES: Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica
El Informe Mujeres Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica, octavo informe anual que presenta el IPDRS, incluye una sustancia propia de las mujeres, su palabra, sus diálogos y una serie de propuestas explícitas e implícitas en sus modos de enunciación, organización y quehacer político. Indudablemente, el reporte acostumbrado...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Ecuador - Paraguay - Peru - Uruguay - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2024 - Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS)
Family Farming in Spain Yearbook 2024
Social emergency. Without family agriculture and livestock there will be no future for the rural world
Society is increasingly aware of the strategic nature of food. The agri-food sector is postulated as one of the pillars of our democratic societies, due to its leading role in the production of healthy, safe and sustainable food. However, farmers and ranchers suffer serious problems that make their profession difficult....
2024 - UPA (Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos de España)
Newsletter article
Latin America and the Caribbean: The Need to Say ‘We’
The Latin American and Caribbean Workshop on IYAFA 2022 issued a global Call for Action for sustainable and equitable small-scale fisheries.
A tourist village in Cananeia city in the south coast of the Sao Paulo state in Brazil hosted 45 fishermen, fisherwomen and supporters from 16 different countries on 2-5 November...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Newsletter article
Ghana: Go Back, Retrieve It
The Sankofa Project seeks to investigate the gendered socio-economic effects of the fisheries closure in four coastal regions of Ghana to understand how the policy affects communities.
A research project was launched in Ghana to focus on equitable, inclusive and sustainable fisheries management. Titled Creating Synergies between Indigenous Practices and Scientific...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Newsletter article
From the Editor, Yemaya Newsletter No.69, June 2024
Yemaya No. 69, dated June 2024, features articles from Barbados, India, Spain, a regional study focusing on Kenya, Sri Lanka and Cambodia and Women in Fisheries Action plans from ICSF’s IYAFA workshops from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean Islands.
A series of regional workshops were held through...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Blog article
Transition écologique et genre : quelles transformations du travail ?
La transition écologique nécessite de revisiter nos organisations de travail en tenant compte des inégalités environnementales, sociales, professionnelles et de genre. Cette démarche requiert une approche intégrée pour préserver à la fois la santé au travail des femmes et des hommes et les écosystèmes naturels.
2024 - AgriGenre
Newsletter article
Barbados: Advocating for justice
Barbados’ fisherfolk build capacity to advocate for climate, blue and social justice. Fisherfolk in Barbados today experience growing marginalization.
Fisherfolk in Barbados today experience growing marginalization. They are increasingly frustrated by the injustices they face from every quarter: their peers, the management authorities at fish landing sites and markets, national government...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Photo gallery
The Classroom of Life: Indigenous women in Thailand set up their forest as a space for knowledge transmission
In the Indigenous Karen village of Huay Ee Khang, in the mountainous north of Thailand, all life starts in the forest: When a baby is born, its umbilical cord is placed in a bamboo container and hung on a healthy fruit tree.“This way, the souls of the baby and the...
2024 - Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Newsletter article
Asia/Africa: Shrinking spaces
Women in small-scale fishing communities bear the worst impacts as coastal space in the Indian Ocean region is increasingly encroached upon by state and private activities.
This article is based on a cross-regional study that focused on how ruptures in the form of environmental stress and political economic pressures impacted small-scale...
India - Kenya - Sri Lanka
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Newsletter article
India: The Tiger Widows of the Sunderbans
In the forests of the Sunderbans in West Bengal, India, limited livelihood options often drive male fishers literally into the jaws of death, with their widows left struggling for survival.
The expression ‘Byaghro Bidhoba’, which literally translates to ‘Tiger Widows’, is a term used to refer to women who have lost...
2024 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Gestión de los riesgos climáticos a través de la protección social
¿Por qué vincular la protección social con la gestión de los riesgos climáticos? ¿Cómo puede contribuir la protección social a las estrategias inclusivas de gestión de los riesgos climáticos? ¿Cuáles son los principales desafíos y oportunidades para integrar la protección social y la gestión de los riesgos climáticos?
Empleando un...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Sonia Reiman: creciendo junto al Programa de Desarrollo Territorial Indígena (PDTI) del Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)
Sonia Reiman es una artesana en telar y productora de hortalizas de Lumaco, Región de La Araucanía, Chile. En este video, ella cuenta cómo una política pública, denominada Programa de Desarrollo Territorial Indígena del Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP), junto a un cercano apoyo de extensionistas, han contribuido a...
2024 - Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)
Total results:2299