Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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SAMUDRA Report No.77, September 2017

Comment: Working for Fishers, Analysis - C188: Truly Sustainable by Brandt Wagner et al., Brazil - Fishermen: A Backbreaking Struggle by Ana Paula Rainho, Peru - Labour: Against the Current by Juan Carlos Sueiro et al., New Zealand - Labour: Exploited, Blacklisted, Destitute by Christina Stringer et al., Ireland -...

Newsletter article
From the editor, Yemaya, No.55, September 2017

The United Nations Ocean Conference held in New York on 5-9 June 2017, focussed on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14), and called for the sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources. At the conference plenary, the Women’s Major Group, representing 1300 member organizations and networks...

17th Meeting of the Stakeholder Group for the cross-border region of “Sharra”

The regular 17 th Stakeholders Group Meeting aimed at presenting the realised and future activities related to the implementation of the ABD approach in the “Sharra” cross-border region, update with the new development in the region and information regarding the foreseen activities under the project “Fostering regional cooperation and balanced...
2017 - SWG RRD

Blog article
CONTAG cobra mais espaço para as organizações da agricultura familiar na Reaf Mercosul

A Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares (CONTAG) recebeu em sua sede os coordenadores nacionais da Reunião Especializada da Agricultura Familiar (Reaf) Mercosul, do Uruguai, Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Chile, para debater temas importantes para o setor, como, por exemplo, cobrar mais espaço para as organizações da...
2017 - Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares (CONTAG)

Mbeu FAO Mozambique Newsletter. October-December 2016, Vol. 1, N° 4

This issue coincides with a globally historic moment, namely the official launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs, which replace the Millen-nium Development Goals (MDGs), are part of an ambitious global sustainable de-velopment agenda focusing on economic growth, social inclusion and environ-mental protection. Having succeeded in reaching the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Newsletter article
Ivory Coast: brighter future

Smoked and dried fish is a vital source of food and income for many African coastal communities. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, about 20-30 per cent of the local catch in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, or Ivory Coast, is consumed as smoked...

Working paper
Territorios, empoderamiento y autonomía económica

Diversas trayectorias para avanzar en equidad de género en Chile
Chile tiene una de las menores tasas de participación laboral femenina en Latinoamérica, a pesar de su aumento sostenido desde el retorno de la democracia. Este incremento no ha ido acompañado de cambios en los sistemas de género, donde persisten la distribución tradicional de roles y las desigualdades en los...
2017 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Farming in a changing climate

The publication contains success stories and describes a methodology that FAO and partners were using in Zimbabwe to manage climate-related risks to crop production and post-harvest handling. It features a description of the Learning Centre approach and captures the voices of farmers who benefited from the project.
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Promoting a New Crop among Farmers in Khordha District

Khordha is one of the 33 districts of Odisha (India) which has a favourable climate for cultivating cereals, pulses, oilseeds and different vegetable crops. Many varieties of vegetables are grown during the winter (Rabi) season. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)-Khordha, under the administrative control of ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, is...
2017 - AESA

Fact sheet
New Entrants with no Farming Background

Generational renewal on farms addresses both farm succession and set up. This trend has been researched through a LEADER-funded project with the title “Creation of farming activity by entrepreneurs outside the family framework: specific needs, levers of action, complementarity between the different support tools” implemented in France by the Jeunes...
2017 - ENRD

Magazine article
Le baromètre 2017 des agricultures familiales

Les modèles agricoles sont plus que jamais mis en débat, au Sud et dans les pays du Nord. Défis Sud poursuit son ambition d’éclairer les enjeux sous-jacents aux divers modèles agricoles en publiant un baromètre annuel des agricultures familiales. Approchées et interrogées tant dans leurs dimensions quantitatives que qualitatives, les...
2017 - SOS Faim Belgium

Journal article
Dynamique centrifuge du maraîchage périurbain de Lomé (Togo) en réponse à la pression foncière

Cette étude, menée à l’est de la ville de Lomé (capitale et plus grande ville du Togo), met en évidence la dynamique spatiale des cultures maraîchères en réponse à la pression foncière. Des images satellitaires TerraMetrics des archives Google Earth des années 2002, 2008 et 2014 ont été retenues pour...
2017 - Université de Lomé

Yemaya, No. 55, September 2017

From the Editor, Africa - Ivory Coast: Brighter future by Beatrice Gorez, Profile - Breaking boundaries: A 69-year-old Talaimannar fisherwoman breaks social boundaries by Daya Neththasinha, Asia - Sri Lanka: A double struggle by Cornelie Quist, Milestones - Towards gender-equitable fisheries by Venugopalan N, Asia - India: Roadmap for survival...

Newsletter article
Profile: breaking boundaries: A 69-year-old Talaimannar fisherwoman breaks social boundaries

Every morning Helan Jasitha Fernando gets up at 2 am and walks five kilometres from her home to her fishing hut. Dressed appropriately for fishing, she puts all her equipment into her canoe and uses her bamboo paddle to propel herself and her vessel around seven kilometres out to sea,...
Sri Lanka

Blog article
An online market to connect small farmers with urban consumers

Adelaide.Farm is a project that built up an online market for small farmers to connect with the urban consumers in south Portugal. Through the website, the consumers can buy products (from a responsible agriculture) and even have an online vegetable garden, while the farmers can sell their products at fair...
2017 - Euromontana

Working paper
Fostering food purchase programmes in widespread poverty contexts

Targeting smallholders within the PAA Africa Programme in Niger
Institutional procurement programmes are spreading throughout Africa, as they offer opportunities for economic inclusion in rural areas by enhancing market access. They can also contribute to increasing income levels, strengthening households’ investments and improving food and nutrition security, in line with the human right to adequate food (De Schutter 2014)....
2017 - International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)

EU support to young farmers should be better targeted to foster effective generational renewal

EU agriculture is facing a decreasing farming population. The overall number of farmers in the EU-27 has rapidly decreased in the last decade, falling from 14.5 million in 2005 to 10.7 million in 2013, i.e. a reduction of one fourth in less than a decade. All age groups of farmers...
European Union

Policy brief/paper
The impact of disasters on agriculture

Addressing the information gap
The number and frequency of recorded natural disasters, along with the associated impact and damage to livelihoods and economies (local, national), are increasing significantly. Natural disasters often destroy critical agricultural assets and infrastructure, disrupting production cycles, trade flows and livelihoods means. This affects food security and causes additional disruptions throughout...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

SACAU Newsletter (January 2017)

SACAU CEO Ishmael Sunga represented African agriculture on a global platform when he joined leaders from across the globe in Davos-Klosters in Switzerland. The World Economic Forum’s 47th annual meeting took place from 17th - 20th January 2017 and focused on “Responsive and Responsible Leadership. SACAU participated in discussions on...
2017 - Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)

Blog article
Food, ecosystems, equality – can we have it all?

Sustainable landscapes are essential for our future. A major international gathering will this week look at how to speed up action for more resilient, equitable, productive and climate-friendly landscapes. IIED and partners have recently launched a new project that will use innovative ways of working to promote these outcomes in Africa....
2017 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED
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