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Proposal for a Locally-led, Results-Based Agri-environment Payment Scheme (RBAPS) for the Blackstairs Mountains
A report for the Blackstairs Farming Group
In 2015, the Blackstairs Farming Group, inspired by the opportunity set out in the Irish Rural Development Plan (RDP) for 2014-20, took the lead and looked for help in designing a results-based agro-environment payment scheme (RBAPS) tailored to their local area. They secured financial support from the Heritage Council and...
2015 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Effective Forest and Farm Producer Organizations
This latest edition of ETFRN News contains more than 200 pages of stories from local producer organizations, associations and federations, and from those that speak for them at national and international levels. Reporting on issues of inclusiveness, this is also reflected in the authorship, with most of the 80 contributing...
2015 - European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN)
Blog article
El sustento de mi familia está en mi parcela
Esta noticia informa que el Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), adquirirá 3.900 Kg de uvilla por un valor 70 mil dólares. La fruta se adquirirá para la alimentación escolar de niños y niñas de 26 unidades educativas de los...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos)
Guía para el desarrollo de circuitos cortos en un área urbana: Modelo tienda de alimentos campesinos
En este manual se presenta la investigación y desarrollo del modelo Tienda de Alimentos Campesinos, describiendo elementos relevantes a la hora de instalar un mercado de alimentos y productos del mundo campesino.
Los circuitos cortos son una forma de comercio basada en la venta directa alimentos sin intermediario —o reduciendo al...
2015 - Universidad de Chile
Magazine article
Pacto Territorial San Genaro
Hacia la búsqueda de un desarrollo local sustentable
En San Genaro, típica localidad agraria del área, a partir de la restricción del uso de agroquímicos en una zona circundante a la ciudad, las autoridades municipales convocaron a instituciones locales y no locales a participar de un Pacto Territorial para promover un "nuevo modelo de Desarrollo Local". Allí cada...
2015 - Grupo de Estudios Agrarios (GEA) de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
In the process of acceding the EU Serbian agricultural sector is to align a set of regulations and standards and adopt certain requirements compliant with the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), inter alia, to establish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). This system enables recording transactions at farm level...
European Union
2015 - European Commission
Émergence de l'agroécologieet perspectives pour le futur
Les programmes add systerra agrobiosphère
Le Cahier de l'ANR "Émergence de l'Agroécologie" revient sur dix ans de projets de recherches financés par l'ANR dans le domaine de l'agriculture et des écosystèmes. Ces projets relevaient des programmes ADD - Agriculture et Développement Durable (2005-2006), SYSTERRA - Écosystèmes, territoires, ressources vivantes et agricultures (2003-2010) et AGROBIOSPHÈRE -...
2015 - Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
Revista Perspectivas Rurales, nueva época
La Revista Perspectivas Rurales es una revista especializada en Desarrollo Rural, que procura dar a entender la analítica del desarrollo a partir de la visualización de nuevos sujetos (y racionalidades) sociales que permanente crean y recrean intereses y valores comunes, fortaleciendo nuestra expectativa acerca de las múltiples posibilidades que el...
Costa Rica
2015 - Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Agroecology and Sustainability of Agriculture in India: An Overview
Agroecology is the application of ecological concepts and methodological design for long-term enhancement and management of soil fertility and agriculture productivity. It provides a strategy to increase diversified agro-ecosystem. So it is benefiting the effect of the incorporation of plant and animal biodiversity, nutrient recycling; biomass creation and growth through...
Kyrgyzstan treats its pastures as ‘national treasure’
In Kyrgyz custom, nothing is more important than good relations with others. Nomadic people, Kyrgyz always shared their last piece of bread with anyone who visited their home – or yurt.
Also embedded in tradition are respect and awe of Mother Nature. Moving with their livestock from summer to autumn pastures,...
2015 - FAO
Newsletter article
Consulta prelegislativa de proyecto de Ley de Tierras se realizó en Cotopaxi
La segunda etapa del proceso de consulta prelegislativa sobre el proyecto de Ley de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales se realizó en la provincia de Cotopaxi. Los asemblistas Miguel Carvajal, presidente de la Coimsión de Soberanía Alimentaria, que lleva adelante esta socialización, y otros integrantes como Ramiro Vela, Rosa Elvira...
2015 - Ecuador Inmediato
Working paper
Adoption of Modern Varieties and Rice Varietal Diversity on Household Farms in Bangladesh
This paper investigates the relationship between adoption of modern rice varieties and rice varietal diversity on household farms in Bangladesh. As shown in previous studies, adoption of modern varieties depends on agroecological- and input-related factors, including the availability and use of irrigation facilities, such as tubewells. Having irrigation affects the...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Blog article
Journal article
Montenegro - High Nature Value Farming
The Montenegrin landscape is only partly used for intensive agriculture due to its natural conditions and the specific development of agriculture in the past. Intensive farming is practiced only in vicinity of the capital Podgorica and close to urban area of Niksic (second largest city in the country).
In almost all...
Serbia learning to reduce and manage disaster risk
Last year’s floods in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina serve as an example of how natural disasters can devastate the agricultural sector and farming-based livelihoods of millions of people.
In order to learn from the past and prepare for the future, a training workshop on disaster risk reduction and management was...
2015 - FAO-REU
Newsletter article
Declaran a junio como Mes de la Agricultura en reconocimiento a productores
El Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (Minagri) declaró hoy que junio de cada año será el “Mes de la Agricultura”, como reconocimiento a los pequeños y medianos productores por su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria como al desarrollo sostenible del país.
A través de una resolución ministerial, que lleva la firma...
2015 - Andina
Blog article
Brasil invertirá $ 9.436 millones en agricultura familiar hasta finales de 2016
La presidenta de la República de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, anunció el lanzamiento del Plan Cosecha de Agricultura Familiar 2015-2016 que prevé la inversión de 28.900 millones de reales (9.436 millones de dólares) en ayuda a la agricultura. familiar para la próxima temporada
"Con este plan garantizamos los recursos necesarios para atender...
2015 - Mundo Sputnik
Café na Amazônia
Cafeicultura foi a principal fonte de receita da balança comercial brasileira no início do século passado, segundo dados da Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação (2013). Em meados do século 20 o Brasil era responsável por aproximadamente 50% da produção mundial de café. A produção mundial de café...
2015 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)
Highlights from FAO results in Africa, 2014
Supporting Sustainable Agriculture Development for a Hunger Free Africa in the next 10 years
This document is a compendium of FAO Africa results in 2014. The results focus on FAO Africa Regional Initiatives which were implemented in alignment with the Organization’s Corporate Strategic Objectives and Country Programming Frameworks, namely eradicating hunger and malnutrition, promoting sustainable and productive agriculture, reducing rural poverty, enabling inclusive and...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Journal article
Albania - High Nature Value Farming
In Albania all types of HNV farmlands are present, but there is very limited knowledge of the topic and the relevant inventories are not wholly dependable. The most common is Type 1 (semi-natural pastures and meadows). There are about 400,000 ha of natural pastures in Albania that account for 14.3%...
Total results:19958