Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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El desarrollo rural desde el enfoque de Género

Guía Práctica para técnicos y técnicas rurales
Esta es una guía para los técnicos y técnicas que trabajan en el ámbito rural en la Argentina. Sabemos que no hay un sólo ámbito rural homogéneo y común en todo el territorio, sino que las diferencias son notables según rama de actividad, región geográfica, condición climática, etc. Lo que si...
2014 - Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR)

Case study
Progress and achievements of the HSAD-Iraq program

Agricultural innovation for Iraq’s smallholder farmers
The HSAD-Iraq program is a collaborative effort between the Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and ICARDA. Special thanks for continued support and guidance to Dr. Mahdi El Kaisey (Technical Deputy Minister of Agriculture), Dr. Faisal Rasheed (Advisor to...
2014 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Agritourism farm in the Carpathian Mountains of Poland

A dynamically developing economy requires significant trial and adjustment to the changing economic mechanisms from all participants in the market. In the case of rural areas, multifunctional development is one methods of economic stimulation. In this multifunctional development, significant participation by farmers in rural tourism activities is an alternative of...
2014 - University of Agriculture in Krakow

Towards stronger family farms

Voices in the International Year of Family Farming
This publication draws from reports and notes from a series of events in the International Year of Family Farming: Regional Dialogues on Family Farming were organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization in collaboration with the World Rural Forum, the International Cooperative Alliance and the World Farmers Organization to increase the understanding of the family farming context in each region,and...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Policy brief/paper
Building a New Agricultural Future

Supporting agro-ecology for people and planet
Agro-ecology applies ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agriculture. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that globally, more than 800 million people worldwide are undernourished. Shockingly, half of these are small-scale farmers and their families, for whom a failed harvest due to drought, or...
2014 - OXFAM

الزراعة الأسرية في الأردن

في الشرق الأدنى وشمال إفريقيا يفاقم النمو السكاني، والتوسع الحضري، وقاعدة الموارد الهشة، وتغير المناخ، وانخفاض الإنتاجية، من أوضاع الجوع وسوء التغذية. لكن انتشار "المدارس الحقلية الزراعية" في وادي الأردن ومختلف أنحاء البلاد ساعد المزارعين الأسريين على زيادة إنتاجهم ومداخيلهم ومرونتهم، بالإضافة إلى حماية البيئة.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Experiencia con el cultivo de ajo cultivar plumudo con huerteros de Santa Eufemia, Los Cisnes y La Carlota

Experiencia con familias que producen hortalizas en sus terrenos y la introducción de una nueva variedad en sus producciones a fin de contribuir a la mejora de su alimentación y a la biodiversidad del sistema. Los antecedentes del cultivo del ajo en huertas familiares son bien conocidos. Sin embargo, la variedad...
2014 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Plan de desarrollo territorial del Municipio de Waslala 2014 - 2034

Plan de acción 2014 - 2016
El presente documento es el resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto y de una experiencia de colaboración única entre actores locales, nacionales e internacionales quienes han contribuido de diferentes formas y a partir de su especialidad y experiencia a la realización del “Plan de Desarrollo Territorial del Municipio de Waslala” para el...
2014 - Agrónomos y Veterinarios sin Fronteras (AVSF)

Policy brief/paper
Becoming a young farmer in Ethiopia

Processes and challenges
The Ethiopian government’s Agricultural Development Led Industrialization strategy emphasises the instrumental role that rural youth could play in transforming the agricultural sector. However, there exists a significant body of literature documenting the unfavourable attitudes many young people hold towards a future in agriculture. Despite their negative attitudes, the fact remains...
2014 - Future Agricultures Consortium

Journal article
Smallholder pig production systems along a periurban-rural gradient in the Western provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), pigs are raised almost exclusively by smallholders either in periurban areas of major cities such as Kinshasa or in rural villages. Unfortunately, little information is available regarding pig production in the Western part of the DRC, wherefore a survey was carried out...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2014 - University of Kinshasa

Revista de agroecología Leisa, marzo 2014: biodiversidad y agricultura campesina

Actualmente causa gran preocupación la rápida disminución de la agrobiodiversidad y la falta de medidas para protegerla. Las políticas agrarias promueven, por lo general, la agricultura comercial basada en el monocultivo de grandes extensiones de tierra. Por otro lado, la rápida expansión de los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM) y la...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Colombia - Ecuador - Mexico - Peru
2014 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes

Bringing the dirt to your doorstep: Organic no-till weed management

Video (20 minutes) of a virtual tour of the experiences of Rodale Institute on weed management practices in organic farming. It describes in detail the technique of roller crimper in corn and soy-bean and also (later) other mechanical tools used by farmers (tine weeder and cultivator).The main topic is the...
2014 - Rodale Institute

Farming Matters: The many faces of resilience

Poverty and vulnerability combine in a vicious circle for many family farmers. To break that and turn it into a virtuous cycle, resilience must be built into farming and the systems in which farmers operate. There is an urgent need for a change in mindset regarding family farming, agriculture and...
Germany - United States of America
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Youth and Rural Development (Giovani e Sviluppo Rurale)

In this Transnational Cooperation (TNC) project youngsters from the territories of 6 Local Action Groups (LAG) discover local traditions and legends, and innovate their cultural and rural identity of today through storytelling and movie production. Recognizing the importance of the countryside’s young citizens the LAGs, which have come together in this...
Finland - France - Italy
2014 - EAFRD

Newsletter article
Agricultura, familiar y sostenible

La alimentación es una de las necesidades más básicas de los seres humanos, sin embargo, más de 800 millones de personas en el mundo no tienen alimentos suficientes y la mayoría se concentra en países en vías de desarrollo, y Panamá no escapa de esa realidad. Por ello, las Naciones...
2014 - Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (MIDA)

Conference paper
COFI/2014/Inf.10, C Chairperson's report of the technical consultation on international guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries

The overarching goal of the Guidelines is to enhance the contribution of small-scale fisheries to food security and nutrition and to support the progressive realization of the right to food. Promoting a human rights-based approach, they aim to achieve poverty eradication, equitable development and sustainable resource utilization. The Guidelines seek to achieve this...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Working paper
Changes in food and nutrition security in Malawi

Analysis of recent survey evidence
A large proportion of Malawian households are caught in a trap where poverty and food insecurity reinforce one another and where periods of food deficits and severe food crises are frequent occurrences. In recognition of this, the Malawian government has since 2005/06 implemented a large-scale Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP),...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Policy brief/paper
International Young Farmers’ Manifesto

“To make family farming a solution for the future”
While family farmers comprise 40% of the world's active working population, their livelihood is not given due recognition. Its socio-economic and legal recognition at both a national and international level is crucial to achieving world food security and halting the drastic decline in agriculture-related jobs. Such recognition constitutes the basis...

Las empresas públicas de alimentos

Avances, retrocesos y desafíos
En el presente texto se presenta resultados para el primer eje de tres investigaciones de tesis, dos de ellas realizadas con el proyecto, intentando indagar la política nacional de creación de empresas públicas, y como se están desarrollando en el caso agroalimentario en tres estudios de casos concretos: La Empresa...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2014 - Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras (AVSF)

Women on farms: active and involved

In this study the focus is on the role and involvement of women on farms in the Netherlands. Many women perform work on the farm and over 40% have a paid work elsewhere. More than two-thirds of women are involved in strategic decision-making at the farm. Many women find the...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Total results:19787