Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Stockholm fish market – local fishermen take the town

In Stockholm, local fishermen have long been isolated, dependent on long chain marketing and lacking opportunities to sell their fish locally. With the support of the FLAG, fishermen developed the Stockholm fish market: regular urban events where local fishermen can sell fresh, local and traceable seafood directly to urban customers,...
2014 - Fiskefrämjandet Stockholms Skärgård Stockholm, Sweden

L'agriculture familiale, un métier d'avenir au Cameroun

A travers divers témoinages d'agriculteurs et agricultrices camerounais , cette video montre comment l'agriculture familiale au Cameroun crée des emplois.
2014 - Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Journal article
Communication for Strengthening Agricultural Extension and Rural Development in Malawi

Smallholder farmers in Malawi account for over 80 percent of the population and if the country is to achieve food security, poverty reduction and sustainable development attention to agricultural extension is a sine qua non. Since 2000, Malawi introduced extension reforms to better serve the needs of smallholder farmers. Some...
2014 - Ohio State University

Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo (CLAC)

La CLAC es la red latinoamericana que aglutina y representa a las organizaciones de pequeños productores y asociaciones de trabajadores del sistema Fairtrade International, así como otras organizaciones de pequeños productores de comercio justo del continente. La CLAC es la red latinoamericana que aglutina y representa a las organizaciones de pequeños...
2014 - Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo (CLAC)

Technical paper
Una mirada integral a las políticas públicas de agricultura familiar, seguridad alimentaria, nutrición y salud pública en las Américas

Acercando agendas de trabajo en las Naciones Unidas
Importantes aspectos económicos, técnicos y políticos subyacen a los actuales problemas agrícolas, sociales y de salud en las Américas. La modernización del sector agrícola se acompaña de una creciente concentración de la tierra en grandes unidades de producción que privilegian unos pocos productos básicos y los monocultivos - por ejemplo,...
2014 - Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS)

Policy brief/paper
Plan of action: Jordan 2014–2018

Resilient livelihoods for agriculture and food and nutrition security in areas of Jordan affected by the Syria crisis
In November 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) fielded an agriculture programme development mission to Jordan with the objectives of updating and expanding its “Agricultural Livelihoods and Food Security Impact Assessment and Response Plan for the Syria Crisis in the Neighbouring Countries of Egypt, Iraq,...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa

Cuadernos de Mercados Campesinos n°1: Caracterización del proceso mercados campesinos en la Región Central de Colombia (periodo 2011-2013)

Seguridad alimentaria, políticas y nuevos modelos de negocios entre pequeñas/os productores y mercados en tres contextos de América Latina. Proyecto: Acceso a mercados y seguridad alimentaria en la Región Central de Colombia.
El primer cuaderno consolida los resultados de un grupo de investigaciones realizadas con el fin de describir y analizar el proceso Mercados Campesinos. Los estudios abordaron diversos actores que participan en el proceso: hogares campesinos, grupos locales (Comités Campesinos Municipales), promotores locales y coordinadores regionales, compradores de plazas de mercado y...
2014 - Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The state of food and agriculture 2014

Innovation in family farming
Innovation in family farming analyses family farms and the role of innovation in ensuring global food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. It argues that family farms must be supported to innovate in ways that promote sustainable intensification of production and improvements in rural livelihoods. Innovation is a process through...

SAFA (Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture systems) Guidelines (version 3.0)

These Guidelines are the result of five years of participatory development, together with practitioners from civil society and private sector. The Guidelines are the result of an iterative process, built on the cross-comparisons of codes of practice, corporate reporting, standards, indicators and other technical protocols currently used by private sector,...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Family farmers grow fruit and vegetables thanks to irrigation schemes in Rwanda

Popularly known as ‘the land of a thousand hills' – U Rwanda rw'imisozi igihumbi – Rwanda has a beautiful landscape made up of endless undulating hills and valleys stretching as far as the eye can see. The people who work the land are proud of its beauty. But the terrain poses a...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Women entrepreneurs in Andalusia’s fisheries areas

All seven Andalusian FLAGs participated in a cooperation project to foster women entrepreneurship across the region by studying the experiences of local women and promoting successful female entrepreneurs as role models to others to turn their business ideas into reality. High unemployment levels in Andalusia and a common objective in the...
2014 - Huelva, North-East Cádiz, Cádiz Straits, Malaga, Motril-Granada, Western Almeria, Eastern Almeria.

Policy brief/paper
Food Sovereignty Systems

Feeding the World, Regenerating Ecosystems, Rebuilding Local Economies, and Cooling the Planet – all at the same time.
The vast majority (70%) of the world’s population is fed and nourished by local, ecological systems of food production1. But these systems are severely threatened and undermined by industrial systems of agriculture that are controlled by corporations and promoted by governments. These industrial systems have exacerbated or even created the...

Riverland Diary Bio Farm – your first choice for healthy food

Riverland Diary Bio Farm is the success story of Mr. Vassilis Kiprianou who's name already belongs to the community of Cypriots products. After he graduated the A.T.E.i Thesalonikis Greece University he decided to return to Cyprus to follow his passion. Two years he spend locked inside the Government offices when...
2014 - Produced in Cyprus

Propuesta para la reforma al campo en México

El campo como opción, no como condena
El presente texto se divide en dos partes. La primera es un cuadro que resume las buenas prácticas y programas de agricultura familiar en la región y los compara con programas existentes en México, ellos con el objeto de contar con un trabajo que resuma y presente de forma simplificada...
2014 - Red Mexicana por la Agricultura Familiar y Campesina

Case study
Renewable energy for smallholder irrigation

This study summarizes experiences using Renewable Energy (RE) water pumping options as irrigation by smallholder farmers in developing countries. It includes an overview of conventional technologies (petrol and diesel pumpsets),along with an inventory of RE alternatives (wind pumps, solar Photo Voltaic (PV) pumps, solar thermal pumps and biogas) and compares,...
2014 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

The state of food insecurity in the world 2014

Strengthening the enabling environment for food security and nutrition
SOFI 2014 presents updated estimates of undernourishment and progress towards the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and World Food Summit (WFS) hunger targets
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Haiti - Indonesia - Madagascar - Malawi - Yemen
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Caracterización y diagnóstico de la cadena de valor de la chía en Argentina

En este informe se presenta una caracterización de la cadena de valor de la chía en Argentina, ofreciendo: una descripción del cultivo y sus formas de conducción, una breve reseña de su introducción y desarrollo comercial en el país, la caracterización de los modelos productivos adoptados en diversas zonas agroecológicas...
2014 - Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR), Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación Argentina

Cuadernos de Mercados Campesinos n°2: la comercialización de alimentos en los mercados campesinos: aprendizajes y desafíos

Seguridad alimentaria, políticas y nuevos modelos de negocios entre pequeñas/os productores y mercados en tres contextos de América Latina. Proyecto: Acceso a mercados y seguridad alimentaria en la Región Central de Colombia.
El segundo cuaderno se basa en los resultados de diez investigaciones y de dos mediciones estadísticas que analizaron el componente de comercialización que se da en Mercados Campesinos. Los aprendizajes obtenidos son de gran relevancia para la economía campesina y los programas institucionales de desarrollo rural, ya que durante una década...
2014 - Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Journal article
Technical-economic characterization of the lulo production system (Solanum quitoense Lam.) in the department of Nariño

Nariño is a significant producer of lulo in Colombia, with the producers of the region found in the northern part of the department. The principal problems for the producers are the low levels of productivity and profit, which have led to increasing abandonment of this crop, losses of manual labor,...
2014 - Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Fact sheet
Food and Nutrition Security Country Profiles: Myanmar

FAO, in collaboration with other UN agencies, has produced Food and Nutrition Security Country Profiles for many Member States in Asia and the Pacific. These profiles are developed with the aim of providing a situation analysis on the current status of food and nutrition security in the countries. Related indicators...
Total results:19968