Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Conference proceedings
The Bangladesh model and other experiences in family poultry development

Stimulated by work pioneered in Bangladesh, the paper outlines a conceptual framework for using poultry as a tool in poverty alleviation. There is now evidence from several coun- tries that small poultry enterprises with adequate institutional support targeting the poorest rural women and their families can help them take the...
Bangladesh - Benin - Burkina Faso - Kenya - Morocco - Mozambique - Uganda - Viet Nam
2013 - International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD)

Journal article
Prevalence of mastitis in dairy cows from smallholder farms in Zimbabwe

A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of sub-clinical and clinical mastitis and the associated factors in cows from selected smallholder dairy farms in Zimbabwe. Physical examinations were conducted on all lactating cows for evidence of signs of clinical mastitis. Composite milk samples were collected from all lactating...

Policy brief/paper
Large-scale Land Deals, Food Security and Local Livelihoods

Large-scale foreign land acquisitions - land grabs - are major and real concerns for African populations.   The consequences of land deals are highly significant for local populations and the environment. Some see economic opportunities for local communities through employment and income generated from leasing or selling land. Others see land...
Ethiopia - Malawi
2013 - Future Agricultures Consortium

Working together in Mozambique

Staff of the three UN food agencies -- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) - received an Award of Excellence which recognized their outstanding collaboration in Mozambique. The country teams have been working together effectively to bring...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Short food supply chains and local food systems in the EU

In recent years, as global food chains have expanded, a large array of terms has been used in academic, policy, technical or civic debates to illustrate innovative re-organisations of food supply chains aiming at re-connecting producers and consumers and re-localising agricultural and food production. These include short supply chains, alternative...
European Union
2013 - European Commission

Encuesta nacional de salud y nutrición del Ecuador (ENSANUT)

Resumen ejecutivo
Este resumen ejecutivo presenta los resultados relevantes de la ENSANUT-ECU referentes a las prácticas de lactancia materna y alimentación complementaria; el estado nutricional a partir de indicadores antropométricos y bioquímicos; la situación del consumo de alimentos; los factores de riesgo de enfermedades crónicas; la actividad física y el sedentarismo de...
2013 - Ministerio de Salud Pública

Foundations of CountrySTAT

This e-learning course provides the essential knowledge to fully appreciate the use and benefits of CountrySTAT.
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations FAO

Ending poverty: Learning from good practices of small and marginal farmers.

Since 2009, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Self- Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) of India have been collaborating in an interactive and mutual learning process: the Exposure and Dialogue Programme (EDP). The EDP comprises a short home stay and a sequence of reflections and...

Case study
Paraguay: Alimentación escolar y las posibilidades de compra directa de la agricultura familiar

Estudio nacional de Paraguay
Durante más de un año, el Gobierno de Brasil y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO) realizaron estudios en ocho países: Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay y Perú con una visión intersectorial acerca de la oferta de alimentación escolar en estos...
2013 - Organización de la Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Pastoralism: the custodian of China’s grasslands

Scientific evidence is mounting that rangeland degradation is intensifying and expanding in China’s rangelands, as a consequence of 30 years of inappropriate policies, as well as climate change. Such policies have simultaneously brought negative impacts to herder livelihoods and to the development of pastoral society. Policies have included grasslands property...
2013 - The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Fédération des AMAP de Picardie - Etre paysan en AMAP (1)

Les quatre témoignages présentés ici de paysans bio en AMAP (maraîchers, éleveuse, boulangère), montrent l’intérêt pour chacun d’être partenaire en AMAP : cela sécurise les producteurs en garantissant les débouchés, leur permet de parler de leur métier et d’être en contact régulier avec les acheteurs. Avoir le profil d’un paysan, c’est...
2013 - AMAP

Coping with the food and agriculture challenge

Smallholders' agenda. Preparations and outcomes of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)
This document was prepared under the supervision of Nadia El-Hage Scialabba, as part of “Preparations and Follow-up to Rio+20”, a project of the FAO Natural Resources Management and Environment Department (NRD). It highlights the positions and common agenda of small-scale farmers´ organizations who participated in Rio+20 with the support of...
Angola - Brazil - Cabo Verde - Guinea-Bissau - Mozambique - Portugal
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Book part
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Madagascar

Although Madagascar’s economy is agrarian, much of the land is unsuitable for cultivation because of mountainous terrain, extensive lateralization, and inadequate or irregular rainfall. Only about 5 percent of the land area is cultivated at any one time, of which 16 percent is irrigated. In addition to providing livelihoods for...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Market and Pasture Management Development Project

The objective of the Market and Pasture Management Development Project is to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods of nomadic herder households and households living in permanent settlements in soums (districts) and aimags (provinces). The project focuses on three components: • Market development• Pasture management• climate change adaptation The project is aligned with Mongolia's Agricultural Development Strategy...
2013 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)

Encuesta de superficie y producción agropecuaria continua (ESPAC) 2013

La Encuesta de superficie y producción agropecuaria continua (ESPAC) se realiza durante el último trimestre de cada año, el INEC efectúa una investigación del sector agrícola y pecuario, a través de la cual se obtiene información de las distintas especies que se desarrollan en el país. La encuesta registra información de la...
2013 - Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INEC)

Appuyer la pérennisation des filières agricoles

Le travail effectué par le Programme d’Appui Participatif à l’Agriculture Familiale et à la Pêche Artisanale (PAPAFPA), et précédemment par le Programme d’Appui à la Promotion de l’Agriculture Familiale (PNAPAF) qui le précédait (financé par la coopération française et le FIDA), a généré des résultats probants en matière de structuration...
Sao Tome and Principe
2013 - Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Case study
Honduras: Alimentación escolar y las posibilidades de compra directa de la agricultura familiar:

Estudion nacional de Honduras
Durante más de un año, el Gobierno de Brasil y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO) realizaron estudios en ocho países: Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay y Perú con una visión intersectorial acerca de la oferta de alimentación escolar en estos...
2013 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Forestry Legislation in Azerbaijan, Central Asian Countries and Turkey

FAO is dedicated to assisting countries to achieve the goals of the World Food Summit and those contained in the Millennium Declaration. Forestry can make a significant contribution in this regard because many of the poorest people in the world live in and around forested areas, and therefore depend on...
Azerbaijan - Türkiye

Produção de frutas e hortaliças com o uso de água de chuva armazenada em cisterna

As famílias rurais que vivem no Semiárido brasileiro, em geral, têm sua dieta alimentar afetada tanto no aspecto da quantidade quanto no da qualidade, em decorrência principalmente da irregularidade das chuvas. Em anos de grandes secas, a situação é ainda mais preocupante, pois a pouca água acumulada nos barreiros, açudes...
2013 - Embrapa Semiárido

Fédération des AMAP de Picardie - Une force pour l'installation agricole

Plusieurs parcours illustrent combien le partenariat en AMAP constitue un atout majeur pour s’installer à travers les garanties permises par les contrats avec les amapiens, l’avantage de bénéficier d’une avance en trésorerie, une sécurité de revenu et le soutien d’un collectif organisé. Grâce à la coordination de la FAMAPP, Terre de...
2013 - AMAP
Total results:19968