Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Programa de Agricultura Familiar - PAF

En el marco de la estrategia de Desarrollo Rural, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural creó el Programa de Apoyo a la Agricultura Familiar- PAF, con el propósito de combatir la pobreza en el sector rural, ampliar la clase media del campo y cerrar las brechas entre lo urbano...
2014 - Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural Colombia

Report Typology WAW: France

This Report on the typology of the agricultural holdings in France is based on data from the agricultural census 2000. It uses three main criteria: labor type, commercialization and management type. A specific variable related to the direct marketing is used and put into debates. The identification of the diversification...
2014 - World Agricultures Watch (WAW)

SAFA (Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture systems) Tool. User manual (version 2.2.40)

The free of charge SAFA Tool (version 2.2.40) is created by FAO to undertake sustainability assessment, as described in the SAFA Guidelines (version 3.0). The SAFA Tool guides users through the four SAFA assessment steps: “Mapping”, “Contextualization”, “Indicators” and “Reporting”. The indicators used are those offered in the Guidelines’ complement:...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The situation of women in rural areas and their participation in the labour market

Thea aim of the study was to present the situation of rural women in Poland compared to other European countries. Investigations included their career, educational and social aspirations, and the possibilities of supporting female economic activity on the rural labour market. It was found that rural women have varied career,...

Conference proceedings
Regional dialogue on family farming in the Near East and North Africa Region

 The main message from the consultation is that family farming plays a crucial role in the region’s agriculture, fisheries and food security, and therefore measures to support family farming should be an integral part of all agriculture development and food security strategies. The consultation highlighted the importance of policy measures...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Los desafíos que enfrentan las mujeres rurales para tener tierra

La experiencia de Nitlapan y Trócaire-ADDAC (Asociación para la Diversificación y el Desarrollo Agrícola Comunal) en Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Este informe es el resultado de la investigación sobre la experiencia de dos organizaciones nicaragüenses que tienen en común trabajar por sectores vulnerables, incluyendo a las mujeres rurales. facilitando tanto medios para el acceso y derecho a la tierra, como para producir de manera sustentable. Ambas organizaciones, han desarrollado iniciativas...

Conference proceedings
Conferencia Mundial de Agricultura Familiar Foro Mundial de Agricultores Bilbao. Declaración Final

Nosotros, 200 hombres y mujeres líderes de organizaciones campesinas nacionales, regionales e internacionales, de grupos de la sociedad civil y movimientos sociales y de las principales instituciones académicas y de investigación de cuatro continentes del mundo –áfrica, América, Asia y Europa- nos hemos reunido en Bilbao, España, con motivo de...
2014 - Foro Rural Mundial (FRM)

Fact sheet
The Medium Term Cooperation Programme (MTCP2)

The Medium Term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organisations in Asi and the Pacific, Phase II (MTCP2) aims to strengthen the capacities of farmers organizations in Asia and the Pacific to deliver better, improved and inclusive services to their members and to engage in effective dialogues with governments, thereby making FOs...
2014 - MTCP2

Policy brief/paper
Plan of action: Jordan 2014–2018

Resilient livelihoods for agriculture and food and nutrition security in areas of Jordan affected by the Syria crisis
In November 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) fielded an agriculture programme development mission to Jordan with the objectives of updating and expanding its “Agricultural Livelihoods and Food Security Impact Assessment and Response Plan for the Syria Crisis in the Neighbouring Countries of Egypt, Iraq,...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa

SAFA (Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture systems) Guidelines (version 3.0)

These Guidelines are the result of five years of participatory development, together with practitioners from civil society and private sector. The Guidelines are the result of an iterative process, built on the cross-comparisons of codes of practice, corporate reporting, standards, indicators and other technical protocols currently used by private sector,...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Women entrepreneurs in Andalusia’s fisheries areas

All seven Andalusian FLAGs participated in a cooperation project to foster women entrepreneurship across the region by studying the experiences of local women and promoting successful female entrepreneurs as role models to others to turn their business ideas into reality. High unemployment levels in Andalusia and a common objective in the...
2014 - Huelva, North-East Cádiz, Cádiz Straits, Malaga, Motril-Granada, Western Almeria, Eastern Almeria.

Dinámicas comunales y los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra

Experiencias de comuneras quechuas y aymaras
A través del texto se hace un recorrido por las diferencias y similitudes de las dinámicas comunales quechuas y aymaras, en el contexto actual, donde la inseguridad jurídica territorial acecha a las comunidades campesinas del Perú. El estudio presenta cómo las actividades económicas van dinamizando los flujos y frecuencias migratorias,...
2014 - Asociación Servicios Educativos Rurales (SER)

为营养而耕作: 回到未来

在本期中,我们将探讨当前努力解决饥 饿和营养不良问题的全球和地区背景。我们 将会重新审视家庭农户和消费者如何将主动 权把握在手,复兴饮食文化,再现并恢复混 合农业系统的活力,以及利用政治空间寻求 以权力为基础的各种食物和营养问题解决方 法。我们发现在读者提供给我们的这些故事 中,颠覆了单一栽培的趋势,而朝着多功 能、适应气候的农业生态系统发展。受到营 养和经济趋势的推动,家庭农户正在种植多 样化的作物而非单一的谷物,并寻求能向农 村和城镇社区家庭餐桌提供更多种类食物的 本地市场。一个明显的例子就是在肯尼亚的 经历(第12页 找到种玉米以外的法子)。随 着产量和农场生物多样性增加,应对气候变 化和价格波动的弹性也有所增强,就业和收 入方式也更加多样性。
2014 - Centre for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

Farmers' Congress Appeal 2014 and Press Release

On March 28, 2014 the Farmers’ Congress was held with the participation of Georgian farmers to voice out the problems and constraints in the field of agriculture. The Congress also addressed two global campaigns supporting the agricultural development: Oxfam campaign - “Food and Climate Changes 2014-2015” and UN/World Farmers Forum...
2014 - Biological Farming Association ELKANA

Family farming in Jordan

In the Near East and North Africa, population growth, urbanization, a fragile resource base, climate change and low productivity exacerbate the fight against hunger and malnutrition. But the introduction of ‘Farmer Field Schools’ in the Jordan Valley and across the country has helped family farmers boost their production, income and...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Situación de las mujeres rurales pobres en honduras y su acceso a la tierra y el crédito

Con el propósito de aportar evidencias concretas que respalden las acciones y mensajes de la campaña “Cosechemos justicia para las mujeres del Campo”, se ha realizado este estudio que aporta datos cuantitativos y cualitativos sobre la realidad de las mujeres rurales y el apoyo que brinda el Estado de Honduras...
2013 - Plataforma Agraria

Time to recognise African smallholder farmers as entrepreneurs

Our farmers are entrepreneurs, just like their counterparts in the telecoms industry. Yet they face even greater risks in getting their goods to market. This is particularly true of our smallholder farmers, most of them women, who cultivate plots about the size of a football field or two. She typically...
2013 - Africa Progress Panel (APP)

The Power of Women: Female Farmers in Montenegro

Recognizing the importance of integrating women into agriculture, female farmers are working to overcome traditional family roles and misperceptions about the role of women in agriculture. Thirty-seven small holder female farmers in Montenegro have benefitted from grants from the Montenegro Institutional Development and Agricultural Strengthening (MIDAS) to improve their farms. Ljiljana K.,...

Integrated Crop Management Vol.18-2013

Forest Management and Conservation Agriculture Experiences of smallholder farmers in the Eastern Region of Paraguay
This publication is a summary of the experiences lived during the seven years (2003-2010) of implementation of the Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project (PMRN), managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and supported by German Technical and Financial Cooperation (GIZ and KfW). The PMRN operated in seven Departments in...
2013 - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Paraguay

Policy brief/paper
Highlights of recent IFPRI food policy research for USAID

To meet the needs of a growing global population that is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050, agricultural production must increase significantly. As such, agriculture and rural development will continue to play a critical role in alleviating poverty and malnutrition. This brochure highlights some of the key collaborations between IFPRI...
Total results:2167