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Статья в блоге
Learning to cope with the spread of non-native species in the Mediterranean

More than 900 non-indigenous species have already been identified in the Mediterranean Sea. And the number is only expected to increase. Climate change is helping non-native species move further north in the Mediterranean as water temperatures rise. As they spread, so does concern about their effect on marine ecosystems and the local fishing...
Italy - Tunisia
2024 - FAO

Young changemakers

Scaling agroecology using video in Africa and India
The publication offers a rich diversity of perspectives and insights from real-life experiences of 42 inspiring teams of youths in Africa and India who are blazing a trail as private extension and advisory service providers promoting agroecology through farmer-to-farmer learning videos. Each of the deeply compelling stories presented in this...
Benin - Cameroon - Egypt - India - Kenya - Malawi - Morocco - Rwanda - Senegal - Tunisia - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2024 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
Permaculture: L’ATP propose l’adoption du label Haute Valeur Environnementale en Tunisie

L’Association tunisienne de la permaculture (ATP), ONG tunisienne active, depuis 2015, dans l’agriculture durable et la valorisation de la diversité des semences paysannes tunisiennes, a soumis au gouvernement une proposition pour l’adoption d’un label Haute Valeur Environnementale (HVE) à appliquer sur les exploitations agricoles basées sur les principes de l’agro-écologie,...

Analyse des marchés des produits de la pêche et de l’aquaculture continentales dans les pays du Maghreb

Avec une production annuelle d'environ 41 000 tonnes, la contribution des secteurs de la pêche continentale et de l'aquaculture reste modeste par rapport au potentiel hydrique et biologique de la région du Maghreb. Pourtant, ce secteur pourrait soutenir le développement de l'offre alimentaire et contribuer à la lutte contre la...
Algeria - Mauritania - Morocco - Tunisia
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
Tunisie : la Ferme pédagogique d’El Maâmoura, une ode à la nature et à la vie

Au collège d’El Maâmoura, les élèves s’initient aux joies de la permaculture, une belle façon de joindre l’utile à l’agréable. «La terre m’a enseigné la plus belle des vertus : la patience. Plus on y sème de l’amour et de la persévérance, plus la récolte sera fructueuse».Voilà des paroles empreintes...

Status of Cochineal and Opuntia spp. production in the Near East and North Africa region 2022

A perspective from Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia
The multispecies (spp.) plant genus Opuntia (commonly referred to as cactus pear) plays a significant socioeconomic, environmental and nutritional role for many countries in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, which comprises 18 member countries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Opuntia spp....
Jordan - Lebanon - Morocco - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Газетная статья
Résilience des ménages face à l’insécurité alimentaire et au changement climatique dans les régions du centre et du nord-est de la Tunisie : Une analyse empirique

With a clear decrease in the agricultural households’ incomes, the increase of food and production factors prices, and the negative effects of climate change on agricultural production, smallholders’ farmers are facing food insecurity challenge, especially in arid regions. The objective of this paper is to examine the resilience of households to food insecurity...
2023 - Agricultural Research Knowledge

La sécheresse au Maghreb: diagnostic, impacts et perspectives pour le renforcement de la résilience du secteur agricole

Le présent rapport vient contribuer aux efforts des Nations Unies et de ses agences pour renforcer la résilience du secteur de l’agricultureface aux effets sévères de la sècheresse, doublée des effets du changement climatique et son impact sur la survenue des extrêmes climatiques sèches. La sécheresse est un phénomène à...
Algeria - Libya - Mauritania - Morocco - Tunisia
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Les effets des changements climatiques en Tunisie : Déficit pluviométrique et impacts sur l’agriculture

La « Journée internationale de la Terre nourricière », instituée par l’ONU pour rappeler l’urgence d’agir pour la planète est célébrée chaque 22 avril. Elle a été, cette année, l’occasion pour le secrétaire général de l’ONU, Antonio Guterres, de lancer son appel à intensifier l’action climatique et à investir massivement dans l’adaptation...

Руководящие принципы
Quick Tips: Working with Nature in Agriculture and Livestock

Agriculture is a fundamentally important human activity that intrinsically depends on nature and at the same time poses a threat to it. Agriculture depends on healthy ecosystems and ecosystem services, such as fresh water, soil fertility, nutrient cycling, pest regulation and pollination. Biodiversity forms the foundation of food production: without...
Armenia - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Georgia - India - Morocco - Tunisia - Ukraine
2023 - European Commission

Статья в блоге
L’impact du changement climatique sur l’agriculture pluviale

Le secteur agricole est un pilier majeur de l’économie de la Tunisie, assurant non seulement la sécurité alimentaire mais aussi la création d’emplois et la gestion des ressources naturelles. Cependant, l’agriculture pluviale, qui constitue 92% de l’agriculture tunisienne, est vulnérable aux aléas climatiques et à la dégradation des sols. Avis...

Статья в блоге
What are we going to eat tomorrow around the Mediterranean sea ?

A three-day international conference dedicated to agroecology kicked off in Belgrade on the 28th of March.
From March 28 to 30, an international working meeting dedicated to agroecology – ecological agriculture, which contributes to sustainability and climate resilience, is taking place in Belgrade for the first time. This gathering is part of the project “Mediterranean Caravan of Agroecology”. Representatives of associations from several countries are gathering...
Algeria - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - France - Gibraltar - Greece - Israel - Italy - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Palestine - Spain - Tunisia - Türkiye
2022 - URGENCI (France)

Returning to make rural areas in Tunisia flourish

For Mohamed, milk production means carrying on a family legacy
Mohamed Ali Gaidi takes his sheep out to graze at dusk. This is his favorite part of the day, walking with his sheep and observing them to see if they are in good health. He then goes back to his home, which he shares with his parents and his sister...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Тематическое исследование
Returning to make rural areas in Tunisia flourish

For Mohamed, milk production means carrying on a family legacy
Mohamed Ali Gaidi takes his sheep out to graze at dusk. This is his favorite part of the day, walking with his sheep and observing them to see if they are in good health. He then goes back to his home, which he shares with his parents and his sister...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Sustaining community-managed rural water supply systems in severe water-scarce areas in Brazil and Tunisia

In many countries, the challenge of sustaining rural water supplies is entrusted to community organizations, which have difficulties in performing durably the operation, maintenance and cost recovery of rural water supply systems. This paper analyzes how rural communities struggle to ensure a sustainable access to water, while seeking close interaction...
Brazil - Tunisia
2022 - CIRAD

Статья в блоге
Tunisie : un projet de loi pour promouvoir les semences paysannes

L’Association Tunisienne de Permaculture (ATP) soumettra, prochainement, au ministère de l’Agriculture, un projet de loi visant la promotion des systèmes semenciers paysans et la protection des petits agriculteurs qui utilisent ces systèmes. S’inspirant du cadre juridique proposé par l’Alliance pour la Souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique (AFSA), ce projet a pour...

Тематическое исследование
Gender, climate change adaptation and livestock production in Tunisia

Women’s contributions to rangeland cultivation in Tunisia and the effects upon their livelihoods of climate change are both policy blind spots. Despite women’s growing participation in rangeland management, an outcome at least in part of male-outmigration to urban areas and increased availability of nonfarming economic opportunities for men, women are...
2021 - Western University

Implementation of a participative and inclusive approach to support the maritime, agricultural and rural economy of the Kerkennah islands based on a sustainable mobilisation of the local resources // DEVLOK //

Elaboration of a local governance process in the Kerkennah Islands that ensures the inclusive dialogue between the involved stakeholders and their participation in the definition, implementation and monitoring of a sustainable territorial development strategy which takes into account the current issues of the territory
2021 - CIHEAM

Статья в блоге
United Nations Decade of Family Farming officially launched in Tunisia

The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) 2019-2028 was officially launched Friday in Tunis by Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Mahmoud Elyes Hamza.  Adopted on December 20, 2017 by the UN General Assembly, the UNDFF encourages all member states to develop and implement public policies for the development...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Журнальная статья
L’agriculture tunisienne face à la Covid-19 : impacts de la crise sanitaire et perspectives pour une agriculture résiliente

L’économie tunisienne a subi de plein fouet les effets de la crise sanitaire Covid-19 et des mesures indispensables pour la juguler prises par les pouvoirs publics comme la fermeture des frontières et le confinement de la population. L’agriculture a dû faire face aux mêmes difficultés ; toutefois, la courte durée du...
2021 - Cahiers Agricultures
Total results:160
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