FAO and Italy

Inauguration of the FAO Park educational itinerary on 24 April

Roma (Italy), 24/04/2024

Embark on a captivating journey at the inauguration of the Global Library of Trees and Flowers – FAO Park at Villa Pamphilj, Rome, on 24 April. This event, which includes a special tree planting activity, will introduce an innovative educational itinerary featuring 7 distinct areas with trees, each representing difference geographic  landscapes around the world. 

Immerse yourself in the beauty of FAO Park by exploring these seven regions with the FAO Park web app and let Nature be your guide. Scan the QR code and go on a global journey to explore the importance of trees and forests for people and the planet. Dive into the biodiversity of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Pacific region, Near East, North America, right here in Rome.  

As we commemorate the International Day of Forests, individuals, families and students will have the opportunity to engage with the App during guided tours, enhancing their understanding of global ecosystems and the importance of preserving our planet's green heritage. 

If you're in Rome, seize the opportunity to celebrate sustainability, inclusion, international cooperation, innovation, food security, and knowledge sharing by participating at the inauguration of the Global Library of Trees and Flowers – FAO Park. If you can't make it in person, explore the experience on the FAO Park web app. Let's connect to nature and commit to a greener world!"