Global Farmer Field School Platform
Number of documents: 542

Women farmers and IPM Farmer Field Schools in Vietnam

Technical background material

1997 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Nguyen Nhat Tuyen
The article discusses the role of women in agriculture in Vietnam and focuses on the participation of women farmers in the IPM Farmer Field School (FFS). The article is based on the findings of a study " Women and IPM in Vietnam" carried out in 1994 by the Hanoi based [...]
Production system: Cereals

The Health Effects of Pesticide Use Methods to Conduct Community Studies with School Age Children

Training material

1997 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Helen Murphy
These materials and exercises will help school children understand the dangers of pesticide use. The author is interviewed about her work during the Toxic Trail Documentary.
Production system:

A Training of Trainers Course for IPM Farmer Trainers

Training material

1997 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Heru Styoko
Production system:

Managing Tropical Rice Pests Through Conservation of Generalist Natural Enemies and Alternative Prey

Technical background material

1996 - Ecological society of America - William Settle, Hartiahyo Ariawan, Endah Tri Astuti
The cultivation of tropical Asian rice, which may have originated 9000 yr ago, represents an agricultural ecosystem of unrivaled ecological complexity. We undertook a study of the community ecology of irrigated tropical rice fields on Java, Indonesia, as a supporting study for the Indonesian National Integrated Pest Management Programme, whose [...]
Production system: Legumes

Community-Based Rice IPM Programme Development: A Facilitator's Guide

Training material

1996 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Kevin Gallagher
Production system: Cereals

Managing Tropical Rice Pests through Conservation of Generalist Natural Enemies and Alternative Prey

Case study

1996 - Ecology - William H. Settle, Hartjahyo Ariawan, Endah Tri Astuti, Widyastama Cahyana, Arief Lukman Hakim, Dadan Hindayana, Alifah Sri Lestari
A study of the community ecology of irrigated tropical rice fields on Java, Indonesia, as a supporting study for the Indonesian National Integrated Pest Management Programme, whose purpose is to train farmers to be better agronomists and to employ the principles of integrated pest management (IPM)
Production system: Cereals

Relationship of Pesticide Spraying to Signs and Symptoms in Indonesian Farmers

Technical background material

1995 - Scand J Work Environ Health - Kishi M, Hirschhorn N, Djajadisastra M, Satterlee LN, Strowman S, Dilts R.
Objectives: This study assessed correlations between exposure to pesticides and signs and symptoms of pesticide toxicity among Indonesian farmers. Methods: Detailed observations were recorded of spray frequency and pesticide handling, dermal exposure, and the chemicals used. Symptoms of acute illness were reported by the farmers, and signs of poisoning were [...]
Production system:

Participatory Learning for Sustainable Agriculture

Technical background material

1995 - World Development - Jules N. Pretty
Emerging evidence for the success on farms of resource-conserving technologies and practices must not tempt agricultural professionals into making prescriptions about what constitutes sustainable agriculture. Sustainability is a complex and contested concept, and so precise definitions are impossible. The dominant scientific paradigm of positivism has served us well over three [...]
Production system:

Aquaculture and Sustainability through Integrated Resources Management

Technical background material

1993 - International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) - Clive Lightfoot, Mary Ann P. Bimbao, Jens Peter T. Dalsgaard and Roger S.V. Pullin
Aquaculture In developing countries can improve the sustainability of small-scale farms provided that It is fully integrated with other enterprises and household activities so as to allow farm families and communities to manage their natural resources effectively. This requires the consideration of pond management and fish husbandry as means to [...]
Production system: Aquaculture

How Rice Farmers Clean up the Environment, Conserve Biodiversity, Raise More Food, Make Higher Profits

Technical background material

1991 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Peter Kenmore
The political stability and economic development of Asia depend more on an assured supply of rice than any other factor endogenous to Asia. With that supply, real development can start. The emergence of the world's first national scale market economy in southern China during the Song Dynasty about 1000 years [...]
Production system: Legumes