Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs
Number of documents: 46

Environmental educational for Poor Farmers

Étude d'impact

2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Peter A. C. Ooi - Gerd Walter-Echols - Dai Weidong - Alma Linda Morales - Abubakar Lim - Guan Soon Palaniswamy - Pachagounder Manzoor - H. Soomro - Cesar Galvan - Francesca Mancini - Rikke Petersen - Kevin Kamp
More than half of the world’s cotton is produced by Asian farmers, the majority of them small landholders with plot sizes of less than one-half hectare. Within Asia, cotton production is diverse and this diversity manifests itself among the countries participating in the FAO-EU Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programme for [...]
Production system: Culture, Autres

Facilitar y dejar facilitar: ayudemos a los participantes a dirigir las ECAs

Documents techniques de référence

2003 - LEISA Revista de Agroecología - Stephen Sherwood , Graham Thiele
Desde el inicio, la extensión agrícola ha sido concebida como parte de un sistema de transferencia de tecnologías en el sentido uni-direccional: desde los centros de investigación hacia las fincas de los productores. A pesar de las buenas intenciones y la inversión de una considerable cantidad de recursos, los modelos [...]
Production system:

Los municipios como sustento de las ECAs: el caso del altiplano boliviano

Étude de cas

2003 - LEISA Revista de Agroecología - Raúl Esprella , Javier Aguilera, Héctor Velásquez Alcántara
El interés por la implementación de las ECAs en el altiplano boliviano y su ejecución en la cosecha de la papa.
Production system: Racines et tubercules

Do Farmer Field School graduates retain and share what they learn?: an investigation in Iloilo, Philippines

Étude de cas

2002 - Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education - Agnes C. Rola, Serlie B. Jamias, Jaime B. Quizon
The farmer field school (FFS) is a season long training of farmers involving participatory activities, hands-on analysis and decision making. Because it requires significant investments in time, trainers and other facilities, the approach can be an expensive way of diffusing new science-based knowledge and other information to farmers. However, if [...]
Production system: Céréales

Kaligondang: A Case History of an IPM Sub-District

Étude de cas

1998 - The Indonesian National IPM Program - Agus Susianto, Didik Purwadi, John Pontius
The purpose of this case is to present a description and analysis of the development achieved by IPM trained farmers in one sub-district. The case reveals IPM farmers in the context of not only IPM field activities, but, because IPM is a community affair, in the context of their communities. The information presented in [...]
Production system:

Community-Based Rice IPM Programme Development: A Facilitator's Guide

Matériel de formation

1996 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Kevin Gallagher
Production system: Céréales
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