Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs

Le 6 décembre 2021, la FAO, en collaboration avec le Ministère de l'agriculture du Malawi, a lancé un cours de 21 jours sur les Écoles pratiques d'agriculture et d'apprentissage à la vie (FFLS) pour les facilitateurs dans le district de...

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Each morning Sujeeka Chandani heads out to her garden where she tends to the vegetables, herbs and fruits that she grows. Sujeeka takes a picture on her phone of a tomato cropin her home garden and shares it on the...

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The series of five webinars “Community Engagement Days” continues!  

We are happy to invite you to the second webinar entitled “Community Engagement for Gender Equality and Rural Women’s Empowerment” that will take...

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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Life Vision have started its all women Farmer Field School (FFS) activities on sugar beets in Beni Ebeid and Mansheit ElNasr villages in...

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