Plateforme mondiale des Champs-Écoles des Producteurs


11:00 – 12:00 AM (Rome Time – CET)

Mexico Room (D211)

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Vikram Singh Rawat and Ashish Gupta are...

Production system:

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and the Government of Andhra Pradesh are working jointly on an innovative foresight study on agroecology in the state of Andhra Pradesh,...

Production system:

The Secretary General of the Government of Flanders Department of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Julie Bynens, said that she was impressed with the ongoing transformation among farmers who are being supported by the Government of Flanders funded project, Marketing Capacity Building...

Production system:

Au cours de la première semaine de décembre, des experts des CEP, des spécialistes des TIC et partenaires clés se sont réunis au siège de la FAO à Rome pour discuter du rôle des technologies numériques dans les CEP.

Lors de...

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Addis Ababa - Agricultural experts and academia drawn from Eastern and Southern African nations called on governments to increase the reach, impact, and institutionalisation of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) through adaptive approaches to ensure that farmers in Africa are fully engaged...

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