Food and Agriculture Statistics

Soil nutrient budget. Global, regional and country trends 1961–2018

FAO released for the first time soil nutrient budget data for 205 countries over the 1961–2018 period. The data help quantify soil nutrient surpluses (leading to environmental risks) or deficits (which limit crop yield).

The FAOSTAT domain “Soil nutrient budget” disseminates nutrient flows in a given country and year. The soil nutrient budget can give an indication of nutrient use efficiency, as it can help quantify excess nitrogen leading to environmental risks, for instance, GHG emissions or pollution from volatilization and leaching/runoff. It can also signal soil nutrient deficits that limit crop production. 

The latest FAOSTAT analytical brief focuses on the nutrient nitrogen. Nutrient budgets are presented both as total nutrient flows and per area of cropland.  Global and regional trends are analyzed along with highlights of the most important contributors to the overall budget and how these main contributors have changed over time. Lastly, the top 10 countries for the soil nutrient budget per unit area and bottom 10 countries for the soil nutrient budget total are presented.

Download the FAOSTAT Analytical Brief


Useful links:

FAOSTAT Soil nutrient budget domain

FAOSTAT Chemical and mineral fertilizers domain

FAOSTAT Livestock  manure domain

FAOSTAT Fertilizers indicators

EUROSTAT agri-environmental indicators and dataset

EUROSTAT gross nutrient balances

OECD agriculture and the environment and dataset

OECD nutrient balances


To know more:

Quantification of global and national nitrogen budgets for crop production