Agrifood Systems
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Out now: "Stories of agrifood systems change"!

Read the new ESF publication and find out how a systems approach can drive agrifood systems transformation
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Empowering policymakers to achieve better policy coherence in agrifood systems

FAO, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose and Ireland lead seminar on strategies to support aligned policy frameworks and institutional innovations

A range of pressures including rapid population growth, urbanization, growing wealth and consequent changes in consumption patterns, are challenging our agrifood systems’ ability to provide nutritious food, and to contribute to enhanced livelihood opportunities  in an environmentally sustainable way. Our agrifood systems are contributing to, and affected by, extreme weather events as associated with climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss. Responding to these challenges requires a systems-based approach that addresses the range and complexities in a holistic and sustainable manner.

A sustainable agrifood system is one that delivers food security and nutrition for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases to generate food security and nutrition for future generation is not compromised. This means that it is profitable throughout, ensuring economic sustainability, it has broad-based benefits for society, securing social sustainability, and that it has a positive or neutral impact on the natural resource environment, safeguarding the sustainability of the environment.

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Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow...
21 Oct 2024
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security......

Tune in to the FAO talks podcast with Corinna Hawkes, Director of FAO’s Division of Agrifood Systems and Food Safety, to look at how agrifood systems play vital roles in our lives, ensuring our health and wellbeing, and make a major impact on the environment...

Listen to More Podcasts

  • The Podcast Series Towards sustainable agrifood systems showcases good practices that promote the transformation towards more sustainable agrifood systems. It includes conversations with researchers, public sector officials, development specialists, and private sector representatives.