Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

Cuestiones clave

El concepto de cadenas de valor para la "canasta de productos" da un giro al enfoque predominante del análisis y desarrollo de la cadena de valor y busca reconocer la realidad de la mayoría de los sistemas agroalimentarios tradicionales. La mayoría de los enfoques actuales de la cadena de valor ...
As in many African countries, Madagascar’s forests are under increasing pressure from agricultural expansion as growing populations seek to produce more food in an increasingly erratic climate. After a recent visit to the country, Duncan Macqueen reflects on how agroforestry could be a key part of a response.  Madagascar’s expanding population ...
Follow on twitter the dialogues at the stand: #ThinkTwice, #EDD19, #TomorrowsCoffee, #NextGenerationCoffee, #ForestFarmFacility. The generational and gender inequality poses sustainability issues in the coffee sector, where the predominantly male  sectors’ farmers are rapidly aging. As for now, the sectors production capacity is stretched to its limit to satisfy the growing demand ...
El Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas (FFF, por sus siglas en inglés) está buscando organizaciones de productores forestales y agrícolas de ámbito regional (es decir, presentes en más de un país) y mundial, o consorcios de tales organizaciones, para colaborar con ellas y apoyarlas. Esta ronda de subvenciones se centrará ...
Scaling-up Investments for the Forest and Farm Facility The Resource Partners Thematic Consultation “Scaling-up Investments for the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF)” took place on 30 April 2019 at FAO headquarters. The meeting represents the first of its kind since the inception of the first phase of FFF back in 2012. It ...