Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas

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Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas Iniciativa para paisajes resilientes al clima y mejores medios de vida 2018–2022

El plan de trabajo del Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas (FFF) previsto para 2018–2022 (Fase II) coincide con los esfuerzos mundiales renovados de desarrollo sostenible, especialmente con la Agenda 2030...

The Mayangna community faces significant problems with illegal timber extraction and agricultural expansion in its territories. The Forest and Farm Facility is working with the indigenous Mayangna forest-farm producer organization...

La FAO y el Mecanismo para Bosques y Fincas apoyan la gestión integral del bosque y la tierra en Bolivia, para contribuir a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible.

Forest and Farm Producer Organisations: Operating Systems for the SDGs

By supporting smallholder foresters and farmers through their organizations, the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) continues a long-running collaboration between FAO and AgriCord. Now, together with the International Family Forestry Alliance (IFFA),...

Jeffrey Campbell, Manager of the FAO’s Forest and Farm Facility (FFF)

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