Forest genetic resources

State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources

Reports on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources provide global assessments of genetic resources of forest trees and other woody plant species (shrubs, palms and bamboo) used for multiple purposes and managed in a broad range of forest management systems. The main sources of data and information for the preparation of the global assessments are country reports on forest genetic resources, complemented by inputs provided by regional networks and international organizations. Other sources of data and information, such as the latest scientific literature, are also used for the preparation of the global assessments.

State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources complements two other FAO flagship publications in the field of forestry, the biannual State of the World’s Forests and the Global Forest Resources Assessment, published at five-year intervals. State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources is part of a series of global assessments on genetic resources and biodiversity prepared under the auspices of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and published at 10-year intervals.

The preparation of the global assessments on genetic resources in different subsectors and biodiversity for food and agriculture is guided by the Commission’s Strategic Plan and Multi-Year Programme of Work. The full list of global assessments prepared under the under the auspices of the Commission is available here.