Self-assessment tools
National forest monitoring system (NFMS) assessment tool
The tool was developed to support countries with performing thorough capacity assessments of forest monitoring across three critical dimensions: institutional arrangements, measurement and estimation, and reporting and verification. The NFMS assessment tool is designed to assist countries in enhancing their forest monitoring efforts.
Jurisdictional REDD+ carbon standards assessment tool
The Jurisdictional REDD+ carbon standards assessment tool has been developed to support stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of Jurisdictional REDD+ programs. It enables stakeholders to assess whether a potential emission reduction program meets the technical requirements for measuring, reporting and verifying (MRV) estimating emission reductions of leading carbon standards in the voluntary carbon market. The current version covers the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions’ (ART) The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES) and Verra’s Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ (VCS JNR).
Forest monitoring for transparent commodity supply chains
The tool aims at evaluating which geospatial information for deforestation-related regulations is already existing and lacking at the country level. It represents a checklist that governments can use to assess the needs for additional developments of their national forest monitoring systems, including the conditions of accessibility, updating, and quality assurance processes.