Advancing field data processing with the new Open Foris Arena 2.0

Advancing forest monitoring for climate action: Webinar highlights FAO's new assessment tools

South-south knowledge exchange drives innovation in forest monitoring

Learning opportunities for all: Forest monitoring for climate action

FAO launches public dashboard solutions to support compliance with deforestation-related trade regulations

FAO launches new project to help countries advance forest monitoring for transparent commodity value chains

Towards more clarity on reversal risks in forest-based climate mitigation
In response to the pressing need for durable forest-based climate solutions, FAO has released a new publication titled "Options for addressing the risk of non-permanence for land-based mitigation in ca...

Strengthening Sierra Leone’s capacity for implementing a robust National Forest Inventory
To advance sustainable forest management, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in partnership with Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and with funding support from the European Union delegation in Freetown, conducted an in-depth training program in Kenema for the country’s first National Forest Inventory (NFI). The program was designed to equip local experts with critical knowledge and state-of-the-art forest measurement tools for effective data collection.

Restoration Day at CBD COP16
On 30 October 2024, hundreds of delegates and observers of the 16th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity gathered at Restoration Day, to learn about and discuss the latest developments in partnerships, monitoring tools, implementation and innovative finance for achieving Target 2 of the Global Biodiversity Framework under the Convention. Under this target, countries committed to restore 30% of degraded ecosystems – across all ecosystem types, terrestrial and aquatic, until 2030. If achieved, this target will be critical across all three UN Rio Conventions – in addition to reversing biodiversity loss, ecosystem restoration is synergetic for meeting the Paris Climate Agreement and the Land Degradation Neutrality Goals.

Young leaders share their voices at World Food Forum 2024

FAO launches new technical solutions to help countries report changes in mountain ecosystems
FAO today launched two new solutions for countries to monitor and report progress towards the conservation and sustainable management of mountain ecosystems. The user-friendly solutions are designed to help countries analyse Earth Observation data for their territories and extract information on changes in the extent of mountain ecosystems. This information is needed to assess global progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, Life on Land. The first solution, based on FAO’s platform SEPAL (System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring),

Grounded in data: FAO’s take on harnessing the power of national forest inventories for climate action and transparency

AIM4Forests’ For Growth: Advancing Forest Monitoring with AI solutions

National forest inventory course attracts global interest: Over 2 500 participants will advance their Forest Monitoring capacities

The Network of National Forest Inventories of Latin America and the Caribbean seeks to implement innovative techniques for community inclusion

Advancing forest data transparency: country leadership and collaborative efforts

FAO’s Open Foris and SEPAL win Google Geo for Good Impact Award

IUCN and FAO sign joint agreement to facilitate data sharing to reach GBF Target 2

Unveiling Forest Transparency: Collaborative Milestones at the Global Transparency Forum