Valerie Bizier is a Senior Statistician in the Office of the Chief Statistician of FAO. She is involved in the coordination and quality assurance of FAO’s statistical programmes and supports FAO’s mandate as a custodian agency for 21 SDG indicators. She currently leads the Organization’s work on strengthening private sector reporting for the SDGs and the development of Core Food and Agricultural Indicators for Measuring the Private Sector Contribution to the SDGs. She is also a member of the Project Working Group of GRI new Agriculture and Fishing Sector Standard.
Before joining FAO in 2016, she worked more than 15 years in Statistics Canada, where she accumulated extensive work experiences in measuring different aspects of Canada’s economy and society, including statistics on the agricultural sector. Ms. Bizier holds Bachelor Degrees in Statistics (University of Sherbrooke) and International Development and Global Studies (University of Ottawa) as well as a Master’s degree in International Management (National School of Public Administration, Canada).
Ms. Valerie Bizier
We’ve been encouraged by the feedback received to date both on the forum itself and directly by email, where contributors have highlighted the importance of not just capturing the ‘avoidance of harm’ by the private sector but also the significant positive impact that is being made. On a number of the specific questions we’ve posed, it’s been helpful to hear the views expressed on inclusion of aquaculture and forestry and the highlighting of some issues which contributors thought should receive greater attention like gender, mental health and food quality. This feedback is extremely useful as we seek to refine the indicators and ensure that they are fit for purpose and we look forward to receiving additional contributions over the coming weeks!