FAO webinar on Enhancing Article Findability in Agricultural Sciences with a focus on “Rural Transformation and Gender Equality”

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is set to host a webinar on 10 December 2024 at 14:00 CET to demonstrate how to improve article findability with controlled vocabularies. FAO’s valuable multilingual controlled vocabulary, AGROVOC, will be used as a use case in this webinar, which will be held in English. The webinar titled “Enhancing Article Findability in Agricultural Sciences with AGROVOC Thesaurus,” will have a focus on “Rural Transformation and Gender Equality”.
Participants of this webinar will learn in-depth strategies for optimising the findability of data with controlled vocabularies, including:
- Gaining a comprehensive understanding of controlled vocabulary and its significance in organising and retrieving information in agricultural sciences;
- Becoming familiar with the AGROVOC thesaurus;
- Learning about the hierarchical structure of AGROVOC, including concepts, preferred terms, and relationships;
- Understanding how to leverage AGROVOC to improve the findability and visibility of articles in agricultural sciences;
- Acquiring knowledge of effective search strategies with AGROVOC;
- Learning best practices for integrating AGROVOC into their research workflow, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and interoperability in applying AGROVOC terms.
This is the fifth webinar in the series. Throughout the “Enhancing Article Findability in Agricultural Sciences with AGROVOC Thesaurus” series, each webinar will focus on a different discipline within FAO’s areas of interest, allowing specific examples to be utilised throughout the webinar. The fifth webinar will focus on “Rural Transformation and Gender Equality.”
Research4Life recently integrated AGROVOC as a “reference source” in the Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) collection. Therefore, this webinar will provide in-depth information about how to access and use AGROVOC through the AGORA collection and the impact it can make on multilingual research for students, researchers, or professionals looking to take advantage of AGORA's extensive resources.
The webinar is intended for both prospective and present users of the AGORA platform.
Interested participants can register for the webinar here: https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpc-CsqTwrGtR9YLR_yhssCOpSWfJmN6Ue

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