List of cases
Country | GCF Ref. | Type/Date of receipt | Description of grievance | Description of resolution | Status |
El Salvador | FP089 |
Grievance 5/52022 | A complaint was received about the smell coming from the preparation of bo-kashi-type fertilizer in the municipality of Santa María Ostuma. | The matter was resolved by transferring the material to a location outside of the urban area and covering it with a plastic sheet. Additionally, microorganisms were applied to counteract the odor. The Departmental Health Unit and the Health Inspector verified and approved the measures. The case was then closed. | Closed |
El Salvador | FP089 | Grievance 5/26/2022 | A complaint was received regarding the delivery of agricultural packages to producers participating in the RECLIMA project. | It was clarified that the delivery of the respective agricultural packages did not fall under the scope or responsibility of the RECLIMA project and/or FAO. This clarification will be made to all agencies and partners on the ground. | Closed |
El Salvador | FP089 | Grievance 2/20/2020 | A complaint was received questioning the project delay. | The matter was resolved when the complainant was informed that the delay in project field activities was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. | Closed |
El Salvador | FP089 | Grievance 9/16/2020 | A query was made regarding the delay in the implementation of field activities for the RECLIMA project. | The query was resolved following a meeting between the project team and the complainant, in which it was clarified that the delay was due to government-imposed restrictions connected to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that activities would start in the final quarter of 2020. | Closed |
Pakistan | FP108 |
Grievance 21/04/2022 | The complainant called the hotline to report that inputs (seeds and fertilizer) for Kharief-22 had not been received. | The matter was resolved following a meeting with the complainant during which the reasons for the delay were explained satisfactorily. | Closed |
Pakistan | FP108 | Grievance 8/03/2022 | The complainant questioned the delay in the provision of the seeds for kharif-2022. | The matter was resolved following a telephone conversation between the complainant and the Provincial Coordinator, who explained the reasons for the delay. | Closed |
Pakistan | FP108 | Grievance 13/07/2022 | The complainant questioned the reason why he was not selected as a project beneficiary. | The matter was clarified during a meeting between the complainant, the project lead and the district training lead facilitator. The selection criteria was explained to the complainant's satisfaction. | Closed |
Paraguay | FP062 | Grievance 28/09/2022 | A complaint was received regarding the initial periodicity proposed for the execution of wage payments to the indigenous communities of the Capiibary district. | The matter was settled satisfactorily when an agreement was made between the PMU and Indigenous communities on two wage payments during year 1. | Closed |