Geospatial information for sustainable food systems

FAO Land Cover Legend Registry (LCLR)

The land cover legend registry provides access to available land cover legends used to describe land cover. The description of the land cover classes has been extracted from the original documents. Several of them were prepared using LCCS2 and/or LCCS3 tool and/or LCHS tool. All the legends provided in the registry can also be accessed from LCHS tool. This registry supports cloud computing platforms i.e., SEPAL. The land cover legends are available in different file formats that can be downloaded easily by clicking the format. Land cover data for available datasets can also be accessible and downloaded with relevant documentations. The registry supports different languages including English (main), French, Urdu and others. The structure of a set of registers and an associated registry for the description of the Land Cover legends used by the UN FAO and associated other organizations is based on the registry concepts identified in ISO 19144-1 and makes use of the descriptive metalanguage described in ISO 19144-2.

 Figure 1: User interface of land cover legend registry (LCLR)

Contents in the below table are extracted from original register:


  • ID: Unique Identifier
  • Alpha Code: (Label) an alphanumeric identifier permanently associated with the concept of a registered item. 
  • Status: the registration status of the RegisterItem from the code list StatusCode
  • Name: a character string containing a compact and human-readable designator that is used to denote a register concept. The name shall be unique within a register. Multiple items of the same item class may use the same value for name but only one such item may have a status of 'Valid'.
  • Description: an optional character string containing a more detailed description of the object
  • Legend Type: indicator of the type of legend used
  • Class Code: code for land cover legend class
  • Country: country or region to which this legend applies
  • Country Code (M49): country code for the country or region from ISO 3166 three character country codes.
  • File: LC legend format in which legend/class data is available
  • Source Reference: optional reference to source